ESG is taken into account through different approaches
The current pension fund survey shows a growing share of assets invested according to ESG criteria. The proportion of pension funds that invest over 60% of their assets with a focus on sustainability has risen from 10.8% three years ago to 28% currently. Almost half of respondents expect to invest more than 60% of assets sustainably by 2024. To do so, pension funds use different approaches; most of them use several at the same time.
Three-quarters of survey respondents exclude companies or sectors from the investment universe if they violate certain criteria or standards. In this context, the list published by the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (SVVK) forms a basis that has increasingly established itself as the industry standard. Sixty percent of pension funds generally follow the SVVK recommendations. At 70% and 51.4%, respectively, ESG integration and ESG engagement are the most common approaches to sustainable investing.
Companies that have a negative impact due to their activity (e.g. arms or pornography), their large CO2 footprint, or their behavior with regard to labor and human rights or corruption are excluded.