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Personal wealth planning for entrepreneurs

We can help with your personal financial matters. No matter whether you need support with pension planning, taxes, or any other personal financial matter: As the bank for entrepreneurs, we are here for you and your managers.

Solutions and services for you and your managers

While you put your energy and your passion into your company, we’ll take care of building and maintaining your assets. In a comprehensive consultation, we’ll look at your private assets in the context of your professional situation and provide you with comprehensive solutions.

    Cred­it Su­isse is hap­py to pro­vide you with the right with­draw­al strat­e­gy: We an­a­lyze how sur­plus com­pa­ny liq­uid­i­ty can be trans­ferred to your pri­vate as­sets un­der the best pos­si­ble tax sit­u­a­tion.

    Op­ti­mize your to­tal as­sets with our 1e pen­sion pro­vi­sion so­lu­tions. Cred­it Su­isse of­fers you and your se­nior man­age­ment pro­tec­tion from re­dis­tri­b­u­tion and the op­tion to choose the in­vest­ment strat­e­gy for pen­sion funds in the se­nior man­age­ment so­lu­tion.

    Un­cer­tain­ty about the cur­rent eq­ui­ty own­er­ship struc­ture may have un­pleas­ant con­se­quences – for ex­am­ple, in the event of suc­ces­sion man­age­ment, if the com­pa­ny is to be sold, or if it needs to raise cap­i­tal. Cred­it Su­isse can ad­vise you on all mat­ters re­gard­ing the share­hold­er base.


    Emergency plan for entrepreneurs

    Who will make the decisions in your company if you cannot? Will your family have financial security? Credit Suisse offers a comprehensive checkup to make sure your family is fully provided for even in unforeseen circumstances.


    Take ad­van­tage of Cred­it Su­isse's ad­vi­so­ry ser­vices and the com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of pri­vate and cor­po­rate as­sets from a tax stand­point. We will be hap­py to work with you to find the right mea­sures to re­duce your tax bur­den.

    Grow­ing com­pa­nies and SMEs of­ten re­quire a lot of cap­i­tal for suc­ces­sion plans. How­ev­er, there are also ex­pe­ri­enced en­tre­pre­neurs and man­agers ready to in­vest in Swiss com­pa­nies. We bring every­one to­geth­er.

    Your ex­ec­u­tive role means you have par­tic­u­lar needs and con­cerns. This is why Cred­it Su­isse has cre­at­ed eight mod­ules with ad­di­tion­al ad­vi­so­ry ser­vices to sup­ple­ment its pri­vate bank­ing of­fers.

    Personal consultation

    Do you have any questions? Would you like advice about your wealth planning? We have the right solution – no matter what stage your company is in. Arrange a personal consultation with our experts.

    A non-obligation consultation? Why not.