Our of­fer­ing for en­tre­pre­neurs

Want to ben­e­fit from the ex­ten­sive ex­per­tise of the bank for en­tre­pre­neurs? Why not? Learn more about our prod­ucts and ser­vices for SMEs.

The right solution for all corporate needs

As the bank for entrepreneurs, we are very familiar with entrepreneurial challenges. With our comprehensive offering and our broad network of partners, we will find a customized solution for your needs. Our advisors support you in all aspects of entrepreneurship.



The beginning of a shared future

The legal close of Credit Suisse Group AG's acquisition by UBS Group AG – and thus the creation of our combined company – has now been completed. The close represents the cornerstone of our shared future – from which you, our valued clients, will also benefit through a high level of stability and an expanded offering!


There is currently no need for you to take any action. You are still a client of Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd. and can use the full suite of products and services and carry out all your banking transactions as usual, as well as conduct new business with Credit Suisse in Switzerland at any time.


We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions for you on this website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your client advisor or our service team at 0848 880 844.

The key steps for starting a company

There are a number of things to keep in mind when starting a company. Read about the key steps of the process and how to successfully establish a startup.

    Personal consultation

    Do you have any questions or would you like a consultation? Please contact your relationship manager or complete the contact form. We are available to assist you in person.

    A non-obligation consultation? Why not.