Cov­er your fi­nanc­ing needs with a cor­po­rate loan

Whether you need to fi­nance your com­pa­ny's growth or cov­er short-term liq­uid­i­ty bot­tle­necks, a loan gives you the fund­ing you need to make your dreams a re­al­i­ty. Our cus­tom so­lu­tions of­fer loans that fit your pre­cise fi­nanc­ing needs.

Apply for online credit

In just four steps, you can apply for the right loan – and you'll receive the credit decision conveniently in online banking within 48 hours.

Online Credit – apply for and manage loans digitally

Online Credit is an easy way to apply for new loans and keep track of your credit exposure anywhere, anytime. You must have read-access rights in order to use these functions. Just ask your relationship manager for help.

Our solutions for corporate loans

Conveniently request and manage loans in online banking

Thanks to Online Credit you can keep track of all your credit activities around the clock. All important information, such as a line of credit, interest rates, and limits can be found in one place. You can also centrally manage your credit-related documents and loans obtained from third parties.


Your benefits:

  • Practical monitoring of your credit line and products
  • Easily review your credit exposure with third parties.
  • Minimal administrative work
  • Credit simulations and decisions in real time
  • Effortlessly manage your credit documents.
  • Direct access to your credit portfolio at any time of day

Online Credit also enables you to request loans directly in the online tool and to submit the required documentation digitally. Credit decisions are generally made within 48 hours, or even sooner for operating loans up to CHF 500,000: After you enter up to eight financial figures, we will review your application in real time and respond immediately with the maximum loan amount. 

Four steps to Online Credit

Not yet a client of Credit Suisse? Become a client now.


If you are already in a client relationship with us, but you haven't established your online banking account, you can apply for it on the registration form.

Everything you need to know about starting a company

It's never too early to lay the foundation for your company's success. Read the most important details about business plans, financial plans, etc. 


Personal consultation

Do you have questions, or would you like to learn more about our credit solutions? We would be happy to advise you in person. Just contact your relationship manager or fill out the contact form. We look forward to meeting you.

A non-obligation consultation? Why not.