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Execution to Custody (E2C)

Increase your efficiency while reducing your costs and complexity by combining order placement from your securities trading with Credit Suisse's integrated custody in an E2C process.

Execution to Custody

The beginning of a shared future

The legal close of Credit Suisse Group AG's acquisition by UBS Group AG – and thus the creation of our combined company – has now been completed. The close represents the cornerstone of our shared future – from which you, our valued clients, will also benefit through a high level of stability and an expanded offering!


There is currently no need for you to take any action. You are still a client of Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd. and can use the full suite of products and services and carry out all your banking transactions as usual, as well as conduct new business with Credit Suisse in Switzerland at any time.


We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions for you on this website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your client advisor or our service team at 0848 880 844.


Information on the acquisition by UBS

How E2C can support you to remain competitive

  • Eliminate your settlement costs - the securities executed in the market are immediately booked in your safekeeping account with Credit Suisse and no longer have to be delivered or received by you in the market.
  • Reduce your settlement risks - Credit Suisse will be responsible for the delivery of the securities in the market. This means the risks for potential buy-ins on the stock exchange or fines in the context of the CSDR settlement Discipline Program are avoided.
  • Reliable position check - irrespective of the input channel, for each transaction the available position is checked before being sent to the market for execution. This eliminates undesired short selling automatically.
  • Less complexity - leave the management of counterparties (brokers, exchanges, transfer agents, custodians) to Credit Suisse. We offer you access to more than 120 execution venues globally (stock exchanges and multilateral trading facilities, systematic internalizers, brokers and transfer agents) and more than 70+ custodians.

Focus on your core business

By outsourcing E2C to Credit Suisse we will bear not only the operational responsibility for your securities business but we also strive to make the necessary investments to ensure innovation in accordance with your needs and the regulatory requirements of the markets.


Thanks to E2C, you can continue to remain competitive and can focus on your core business – your customers and their needs.

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