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Sustainability for institutional investors

Investing in line with sustainability aspects has become increasingly important for institutional investors. At all levels of the strategic investment process, Credit Suisse supports you in dealing with this important topic individually.

Services throughout the investment process

A growing number of pension funds aim not only to achieve a market-compliant return, but also to contribute to a more sustainable economy by systematically managing financial flows through their investment activities.


The path to a sound, individual sustainability policy for the individual pension fund starts with a dialog between the members of the highest governing body, who develop the fund-specific understanding of sustainability as the central basis. The sustainability policy can then be gradually integrated into all stages of the strategic investment process: from conception and implementation through to performance monitoring.


We would be happy to support you in this process. Benefit from:


  • Relevant specialist knowledge thanks to comprehensive training of decision-makers by the strategic advisory services
  • A guideline for dialog in the highest governing body
  • Knowledge of current industry standards and their impact on institutional investors
  • A clear starting point thanks to an analysis of your existing portfolio
  • Comprehensive reporting solutions
  • The strategy for implementation from a single source

Support throughout the entire investment process

Credit Suisse supports you throughout the entire investment process and addresses your individual needs thanks to its many years of expertise in the area of sustainability.


ESG criteria are taken into account for specific investment decisions as part of the investment process and are incorporated into risk management. Finally, detailed periodic ESG reporting increases portfolio transparency and thus the opportunity to review sustainability implementation in the portfolio on an ongoing basis.

Credit Suisse services throughout the entire investment process

Credit Suisse services throughout the entire investment process

1) Strategic discussion

  • Definition of a common understanding of sustainability as well as sustainability objectives among the members of the highest governing body
  • Principles and approaches (exclusion, integration, engagement)
  • Adjustments to investment regulations, investment strategy, and benchmarks
  • Training of board of trustee members with regard to sustainability as well as current industry standards

2) Portfolio analysis

  • Discussion of client needs
  • Analysis of the existing portfolio
  • Sustainability criteria in accordance with market standards

3) Optimization and products

4) Reporting

  • Detailed sustainability reporting and ESG stamp
  • Analysis containing the following key factors: best-in-class valuation, controversial valuation, CO2 footprint, exclusion criteria based on MSCI, and access to the CS sustainability rating
  • Annual key figures in accordance with ASIP recommendations for Basic and Advanced requirements profiles

Nachhaltigkeit in der Unternehmenswelt

Aufgrund der hohen Bedeutung des EU-Markts orientieren sich die Regulierungen in der Schweiz im Allgemeinen an den EU-Regelwerken. In den letzten drei Jahren stellten Schweizer Unternehmen mit einem EU-Fokus zudem eine überdurchschnittlich starke Zunahme bei den Umweltregulierungen fest. Und die Nachhaltigkeitswelle nimmt erst gerade Fahrt auf.


Sustainability in the institutional investor space

Read more about why Swiss pension funds are investing more sustainably, what the potential returns for emerging markets are like, and how Switzerland compares in comparison to other countries.

Sustainability at Credit Suisse

We are convinced that sustainability in our daily business is essential to long-term success. We have publicly committed to continuously developing our business model (e.g., Net Zero Banking Alliance, Science-Based Targets initiative, or SBTi) and disclose our progress in our Sustainability Report. As an international bank, we work not only nationally but also globally on issues of sustainability.

Progress re­quires sus­tain­able think­ing. At Cred­it Su­isse, our Glob­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty unit de­fines the ar­eas that re­quire em­pha­sis, de­vel­ops our knowl­edge, and co­or­di­nates fur­ther in­te­gra­tion of sus­tain­abil­i­ty into our dai­ly busi­ness.

Our Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Re­port ex­plains what we as a bank are do­ing in the area of sus­tain­abil­i­ty – in par­tic­u­lar, what goals we have set for our­selves, how we mea­sure our progress, and how we fur­ther sus­tain­abil­i­ty at Cred­it Su­isse.

The Cred­it Su­isse Re­search In­sti­tute and the Cen­ter for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty bring to­geth­er knowl­edge on the top­ic of sus­tain­abil­i­ty, con­tribut­ing to the dis­cus­sion on top­ics such as cli­mate change and bio­di­ver­si­ty as well as di­ver­si­ty and in­clu­sion.