Card products for corporate clients
Here you can find out how to manage your debit, credit and prepaid cards for corporate clients and where you can obtain help if you lose a card.
Here you can find out how to manage your debit, credit and prepaid cards for corporate clients and where you can obtain help if you lose a card.
You would like to make withdrawals/payments and deposits with the debit card?
In this case, the Debit Mastercard is the ideal debit card for you.
With the Debit Mastercard, you can make cashless payments both in Switzerland and worldwide, and withdraw cash at ATMs.
You can also make purchases online.
The benefits of a Debit Mastercard are:
– Accepted worldwide: the Debit Mastercard is accepted in Switzerland and abroad – anywhere you see the Mastercard logo.
– In stores and at vending machines: with the new debit card, you can pay at over 43 million acceptance points – now also with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.
– Contactless: pay amounts below CHF 80 instantly without having to enter your PIN. For security reasons, the PIN is automatically required for larger amounts.
– Online payments: the Debit Mastercard also allows you to pay securely and conveniently on the internet and in apps. Additional security is provided using 3D Secure – a process through which you confirm payments to most online retailers using your mobile phone.
– Making cash withdrawals and deposits: you can withdraw cash anywhere in the world. In Switzerland, cash deposits can be made at designated Credit Suisse ATMs.
– Mobile payment: you can pay conveniently with your mobile device using Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.
More information about the Debit Mastercard.
You only want to make deposits with the card?
In this case, the Cash Deposit Card is the ideal card for you.
With the Cash Deposit Card, you can pay money into your account at any Credit Suisse ATM ("Cash Automat Plus") free of charge, regardless of counter opening hours. This card offers you an alternative to making deposits at the counter.
The benefits of a Cash Deposit Card are:
– Deposits at any time of day or night: with the Cash Deposit Card, you can deposit cash (CHF and EUR) into a CHF account free of charge regardless of counter opening hours.
– Discretion: when making a deposit, no confidential client information (such as the account balance) is displayed on the screen or on the receipt. This means you can send other people (such as employees) to make your cash deposits.
– Easy to use: all deposits can be made using the usual menu at the ATM and without having to enter a PIN.
– Immediate availability: the deposited amount is credited to the account with immediate effect.
– Choose your booking text: you can define your own booking texts to keep track of deposits.
You would like to order a Debit Mastercard
... and a signatory person from your company already has an online / mobile banking access and you have a banking package:
-> You can easily order a Debit Mastercard via online banking: Application for a Debit Mastercard
If you should not see this function, please go to 'Package overview' in your Online Banking, which you will find under 'Accounts and Cards'. You will now see the overview of your cards and accounts in the package. Next to 'Debit Mastercard' you will see how many Debit Mastercards the company currently has.
Click on '+Add' (beside it on the right) and then enter the required cardholder information. Once the order has been confirmed, the card and the PIN for the card will be sent to you by mail in the next four to five working days.
Please note: A maximum of three cards can be ordered via online banking. If you need more than three Debit Mastercards, the procedure is the same as if you had no online/mobile banking or banking package.
...and no signatory person from your company has an online / mobile banking access and/or you do not have a banking package already:
-> Please contact us by telephone or send your request to the following email address: We will then be happy to contact you as soon as possible.
You would like to order a Cash Deposit Card:
-> Please send us the fulfilled and signed document to the following address:
Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd.
8070 Zurich
Please note that the written request must be signed by an authorized signatory person.
You already have an online / mobile banking access:
-> You can enter the desired changes diretctly via online banking: change the country or limit settings.
If you should not see this function, you can open your online banking, select 'Accounts and Cards' and then under 'Cards' click on 'Debit cards'. You will now see a series of options, including 'Manage travel settings' and 'Manage card limits'.
If you do not see the subcategory 'Debit cards' under 'Accounts and Cards', please contact us so that we can assign the relevant rights to you and make the changes that you require.
You do not have an online / mobile banking access:
-> Please contact us by telephone or send your request to the following email address: We will then be happy to contact you as soon as possible.
Please note that the maximum monthly and daily limit that you can request by telephone is CHF 15,000.00. For a monthly limit of CHF 15,000.00 to CHF 100,000.00 (the maximum monthly limit), we will always need to send you a written application form. The daily limit cannot be set higher than CHF 15,000.00. If you would like to withdraw more than CHF 15,000.00, you can do so at the counter of a Credit Suisse branch.
If you know the PIN and want to change it:
You can change an existing PIN at a Credit Suisse ATM.
If you have forgotten your PIN:
-> Please contact us by telephone. Alternatively, you can also contact your client advisor directly. Contact details can be found on your account statement.
You alredy have an online / mobile banking access:
-> You can easily order a replacement card via online banking: order a replacement card
If you should not see this function, you can open your online banking, select 'Accounts and Cards' and then under 'Cards' click on 'Debit cards'. You will now see a series of options, including 'Replace card'.
If you do not see the subcategory 'Debit cards' under 'Accounts and Cards', please contact us so that we can assign the relevant right to you and order the replacement card.
You do not have an online / mobile banking access:
-> Please contact us by telephone. Alternatively, you can also contact your client advisor directly.
Please note that a fee of CHF 20.00 applies when ordering a replacement card.
OTRC stands for one-time registration code. It is required for the one-time registration for the 'Pay in the online shop' functionality of your debit mastercard.
Credit card set: Would you like to enjoy the benefits of our credit card sets and receive a Mastercard and an American Express card?
More information about the current credit card sets.
Single cards: Would you like to receive a Mastercard or an American Express card?
More information about the current single cards.
You would like to apply for a credit card set
...and you have a Business Easy / Startup Easy package:
In this case, the Silver/Gold Business Easy package solution (PDF) is included without any fees. Please contact us by telephone or send your request to the following email address: We will then be happy to send you the appropriate documents by mail.
...and you do not have a Business Easy / Startup Easy package:
In this case, you can order our credit card set silver or credit card set gold. Please note the annually fee of CHF 100.00 for the Silver option and CHF 200.00 for the Gold option.
If you would like to receive the Silver credit card set free of charge or the Gold credit card set at a reduced price (CHF 100.00 instead of CHF 200.00), you can apply for the Business Easy/Startup Easy package (PDF) first.
You would like to apply for a single credit card:
-> Please contact us by telephone or send your request to the following email address: We will then be happy to send you the appropriate documents by mail.
I would like to change my credit card limit
…and my company has been operating for longer than three years:
-> Please send Swisscard or your client advisor the annual financial statements for the last two years. Swisscard will then carry out a new credit check. The new credit card limit will then be communicated to you by mail.
...and my company has not been operating for longer than three years:
In this case, we are unable to offer you a higher credit limit.
However, there are the following two alternatives:
Advance payment: You can make an advance payment into your Swisscard account (which is shown on the credit card statement or in your Swisscard user portal).
Bank guarantee: You can block 120% of the desired limit on an account by us to get increase your credit card limit. Please contact us by telephone. Alternatively, you can also contact your client advisor directly. We will then be happy to send you the appropriate documents by mail.
Please contact Swisscard directly to change the way you are billed.
To cancel your credit card, we need you to send a written request directly to Swisscard. Please send the letter to the following address:
Swisscard AECS GmbH
Neugasse 18
8810 Horgen
Please note that the written request must be signed by the cardholder.
You can check all transactions on your company credit card using the free Swisscard app.
To order a statement of your transactions or for other information regarding your company credit card, please contact Swisscard directly.