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Manage liquidity efficiently and invest profitably

A company always needs to have enough liquidity for its business operations. At the same time, actively managing liquid funds that are not currently being used can help create additional income opportunities and more attractive yields. Integrated, customized cash management is essential here.

How can we help you?

  • I am a client with a Credit Suisse product or service for corporate clients
    If you are a client with a Credit Suisse product or service for corporate clients, we will continue to support you. You will be informed of any changes or action needed. Find information and answers to common questions below.

    If you have further questions, or are interested in additional solutions to support your banking needs, get in touch with your Relationship Manager, or call our Client Service Center at 0800888874*.


  • I want to become a client
    Looking for a solution for corporate clients? While it is no longer possible to request Credit Suisse products or services for corporate clients, explore what UBS can offer.

    Explore UBS companies


* The telephone calls may be recorded for security reasons and training purposes. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and international rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.)

Four aspects of cash management


Whether your com­pa­ny is an SME or an in­ter­na­tion­al con­glom­er­ate with com­plex struc­tures, a good overview of your liq­uid­i­ty must take pri­or­i­ty. Good cash man­age­ment keeps you in con­trol of all your ac­counts, re­gard­less of the num­ber of fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tions.


Your com­pa­ny al­ways needs to have liq­uid­i­ty for its busi­ness op­er­a­tions. By care­ful­ly plan­ning your na­tion­al or in­ter­na­tion­al cash flows, you can pre­vent neg­a­tive bal­ances and liq­uid­i­ty squeezes and min­i­mize fi­nan­cial risks.


Your liq­uid­i­ty needs can change dai­ly. You need to have suf­fi­cient liq­uid as­sets in the right places so that pay­ment or­ders can be processed re­li­ably.


Liq­uid as­sets that you do not re­quire can be iden­ti­fied through care­ful plan­ning. They can then be ac­tive­ly man­aged so that you can gen­er­ate ad­di­tion­al re­turns.

Customized solutions for your cash management

We offer you professional advice and solutions tailored to your needs, from informational overviews and liquidity planning to transferring liquidity and financial investments – all from a single source.

Benefit from the long-term experience of Credit Suisse and find the solution for you:

    Our expertise. Your success.

    Do you have questions? Would you like a consultation on the management of your existing liquidity? We will be happy to assist you in person. From analyzing your current situation to regular operations of your  integrated cash management system, we can provide you with expert advice from a single source.

    Monday–Friday 08:00–17:00
    A non-obligation consultation? Why not.