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Com­mod­i­ty Traders

Cred­it Su­isse of­fers spe­cif­ic so­lu­tions for com­mod­i­ty traders. We’re your fi­nanc­ing part­ner when it comes to com­modi­ties trans­ac­tions.

Financing commodity transactions

Our financing experts will gladly advise you in selecting the most suitable type of financing.

Transactional Trade Finance (TTF)

Short-term commodity financing. The goods serve as collateral. The sales proceeds are used to repay the loan (self-liquidating).

Structured Trade Finance (STF)

Advance or interim financing (tolling) of goods yet to be produced, exclusively in developing or emerging countries. We assume the performance risk under this type of financing. The timeframe can exceed one year.

Realize international plans

No mat­ter how large your com­pa­ny or pro­ject may be. Whether you want to fi­nance a pur­chase or hedge a sale: Our ex­port fi­nanc­ing ex­perts will sup­port you in your pro­ject.