Execution of securities orders

We ensure that your securities orders are always executed correctly, securely and in accordance with global regulatory requirements and standards. The flexible and open architecture of our systems also gives you fast and efficient access to global securities markets.

Electronic Order Execution

The beginning of a shared future

The legal close of Credit Suisse Group AG's acquisition by UBS Group AG – and thus the creation of our combined company – has now been completed. The close represents the cornerstone of our shared future – from which you, our valued clients, will also benefit through a high level of stability and an expanded offering!


There is currently no need for you to take any action. You are still a client of Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd. and can use the full suite of products and services and carry out all your banking transactions as usual, as well as conduct new business with Credit Suisse in Switzerland at any time.


We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions for you on this website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your client advisor or our service team at 0848 880 844.


Information on the acquisition by UBS

Our offer

  • Execution of equities, ETFs, bonds, listed options and futures, and investment- and hedge funds
  • Access to over 120 execution venues globally (stock exchanges and multilateral trading facilities, systematic internalizers, brokers and transfer agents)
  • ‘Best Execution’ according to regulatory requirements www.credit-suisse.com/mifid
  • Rule-based order management using pre-deal checks, which are based on current liquidity, market conditions, and rules defined by the client
  • Flexible combinations of smart order routing execution, binding venue or OTC consent
  • Execution of ETFs at market-, RFQ risk-, or NAV-prices
  • Algorithmic trading strategies
  • Systematic analysis of transaction costs (TCA) and proof of best execution
  • Assistance for large or complex orders or in case of technical problems through our ‘Investment Services for Banks' team
  • Desk coverage from 07:30 - 22:15 CET, including holidays
  • All contacts in Zurich

Connection options

  • Direct FIX 4.4 trading connection via VPN certified with Finnova, Avaloq, New Access Apsys, Azqore S2i, Blackrock Aladdin and other providers
  • FIX 4.4 trading connection via the FIX network, including NYFIX, FIXLink, Autex Trade Route, EMSxNET, MACD or FIXHUB
  • SWIFT MX (for primary traded funds)
  • External trading tools EMSX / TSOX, Refinitiv REDI, Infront
  • Credit Suisse web-based system ‘Securities Expert’

Your benefits at a glance

  • Contractual basis with and services rendered by Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd., Zurich
  • Efficient access to global securities markets based on a single connectivity
  • Compliant implementation of global regulatory requirements and standards
  • Continuous monitoring of execution and data quality of your securities orders
  • Support from long-term, experienced execution- and product specialists