You have an online banking access with a sole signatory right
... and you need an overdraft up to CHF 10'000 to cover temporary liquidity bottlenecks:
In that case the Business Easy Overdraft is just right for you.
The requirements are:
- Only possible in conjunction with a Startup Easy or Business Easy corporate account in CHF (apply for a Business/Startup Easy package)
- Minimum account turnover CHF 75'000 per year
- Low seasonal fluctuations in turnover
- Banking relationship with Credit Suisse has existed for at least six months
- No existing financing with Credit Suisse
- Sufficient creditworthiness
Please note that a one-time processing fee of CHF 30 will be charged. The overdraft limit is calculated automatically based on your turnover in the last three months and can therefore vary from month to month.
... and require an overdraft of more than CHF 10'000:
-> Please contact us by telephone or contact your client advisor. Contact details can be found on your account statement.
You do not have an online banking access
... and require an overdraft up to CHF 10'000 to cover temporary liquidity bottlenecks:
If you meet all the requirements for the Business Easy Overdraft (see above), please contact us by telephone or contact your client advisor. Contact details can be found on your account statement.
Please note that a one-time processing fee of CHF 150 will be charged. The overdraft limit is calculated automatically based on your turnover in the last three months and can therefore vary from month to month.
... and require an overdraft facility of more than CHF 10'000.00:
-> Please contact us by telephone or contact your client advisor. Contact details can be found on your account statement.