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Contact & Support

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), instructions, and useful information for private and corporate clients as well as relating to Credit Suisse events.

Private clients

    Corporate Clients


        Contact details

        If you have any questions about your banking relationship, accounts and cards, or other topics, please contact us at the following telephone number:

          Client service Online & Mobile Banking
        Private Clients +41 848 880 844 +41 844 800 888
        Corporate Clients +41 800 888 874
        +41 800 881 188

        Select your contact 

        Client Service

        Our opening hours:
        Monday to Friday, 08:00 – 18:00.

        Online & Mobile Banking

        Our opening hours:
        Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 22:00
        Saturday, Sunday and on holidays: 09:00 - 16:00.

        Card contacts

        Debit Card / TWINT: +41 800 800 488

        Credit Cards: +41 446 596 903


        Opening hours: 7x24 / 365 days

        CSX ac­count

        All-in-one bank­ing for every day. You also have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to open a cus­tomer re­la­tion­ship di­rect­ly on­line.

        Next branch or ATM

        You can find the near­est Cred­it Su­isse branch or Cred­it Su­isse ATM un­der the fol­low­ing links:


        Our postal ad­dress

        Cred­it Su­isse (Switzer­land) Ltd.

        P.O. Box 100

        CH-​8070 Zurich