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Hedging currency risks with foreign exchange transactions

Whoever conducts business internationally is exposed to the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. Exchange rate fluctuations can reduce the margin from the operating business and have a significant impact on the business result.

Your benefits

Currency hedging protects your company against major fluctuations in exchange rates. This increases planning certainty and allows you to focus more on your core business. Proper currency management is likely to remain a key issue for Swiss companies in the future. The reason for this is that the volatility of the financial markets and political and geopolitical uncertainties will continue to require consistent hedging.

Wide range of prod­ucts

For every risk pro­file and hedg­ing re­quire­ment, we of­fer proven so­lu­tions and in­stru­ments that can help you pro­tect your com­pa­ny ef­fec­tive­ly against ris­ing or falling ex­change rates.

Many years of ex­per­tise

Our glob­al­ly net­worked spe­cial­istswill pro­vide you with their in-depth ex­per­tise in re­la­tion to the world's for­eign ex­change mar­kets. On re­quest, we can also sup­ply you with rel­e­vant pub­li­ca­tions of our eco­nom­ic re­search.

Fast on­line so­lu­tion

Our "my So­lu­tions" por­tal of­fers you di­rect and con­ve­nient ac­cess to in­ter­na­tion­al for­eign ex­change mar­kets so you can process your for­eign ex­change trans­ac­tions. Find out more about "my So­lu­tions" here or con­tact your client ad­vi­sor.

Our solutions for your foreign exchange transactions

In a spot ex­change trans­ac­tion, two part­ners agree to buy or sell one cur­ren­cy for an­oth­er. This is an ir­rev­o­ca­ble agree­ment that must be kept in all cas­es.

Dual cur­ren­cy in­vest­ments com­bine a time de­posit with a cur­ren­cy op­tion strat­e­gy. This pro­vides more at­trac­tive re­turns com­pared to mon­ey mar­ket in­vest­ments.

Tar­get­ed strate­gies for hedg­ing against ex­change rate fluc­tu­a­tions help to in­crease plan­ning cer­tain­ty in your com­pa­ny. By com­bin­ing sev­er­al op­tions, in­di­vid­ual re­quire­ments can be pre­cise­ly met.

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    On-site consultation

    Would you like a personal consultation regarding foreign exchange transactions and currency hedging? Our experts in the five regional foreign exchange centers will be happy to assist you.

    Basic transactions

    Basic transactions include spot and forward transactions, swap transactions and limit orders. The prerequisites for the conclusion of a spot transaction are an account held at Credit Suisse, relevant foreign currency accounts and the required credit balance.

    With the help of a spot transaction, one currency can be immediately converted to another. The contract concluded is irrevocable and must be performed. In spot transactions, the delivery of the converted foreign exchange usually takes place two banking days after the conclusion of the transaction.


    Alternatively, it is possible to trade on a different maturity. A specific date in the future is in this case agreed as the settlement date. This is a forward transaction, as the interest rate difference is taken into account.

    Dual currency investments

    Dual currency investments combine a time deposit with a currency option strategy. This provides a higher return than standard money market investments. In return, clients face the risk of receiving the repayment at the end of the term in an alternative currency, depending on the development of the underlying foreign currency.


    All dual currency investments can be tailored to your needs. We offer both securitized and unsecuritized OTC solutions.

    Hedging strategies

    Hedging strategies can help protect your company against daily currency fluctuations and thus increase planning certainty. In order to cover your individual needs in the best possible way, several options can be combined in a targeted way. In addition to an extensive range of basic hedging instruments such as risk reversals or participating forwards, various advanced hedging and outperformance strategies are also available.


    In most cases, the objective is to optimize the hedging rate or hedging costs. Based on your risk appetite and risk profile, our specialists willcompile the appropriate hedging strategy for you.

    Foreign exchange centers in your region

    We are always pleased to assist you and look forward to meeting you personally. More than 25 specialists are at your disposal in our foreign exchange centers in Basel, Geneva, Lugano, St. Gallen and Zurich.

    The five regional Credit-Suisse FX desks: Ticino, Suisse Romande, Eastern Switzerland, Northern Switzerland / Mittelland and Zurich / Central Switzerland.

    A non-obligation consultation? Why not.