Everyone is talking about ensuring a secure supply, and it is a high priority. What does this mean for pension funds?
Beat Goetz: Pension funds are the key pillar of retirement provision and represent the most important source of income for the vast majority of current and future retirees. Due to the long-term nature of their obligations, pension funds also have a very long investment horizon – which in general ties in well with the longevity of energy infrastructure investments.
Renovating and modernizing the energy sector to produce lower CO2 emissions, while simultaneously ensuring a secure energy supply, is a major challenge.
The current energy shortage is due not only to the war in Ukraine but also to a failure to invest over recent decades. This is now resulting in enormous investment needs, providing an opportunity for institutional investors to contribute to energy security through long-term investments in energy infrastructure while simultaneously generating stable, and in some cases regulated and inflation-protected returns.
The Federal Office of Energy expects that at least CHF 1.5 trillion in investment will be needed by 2050 in Switzerland alone – twice the amount of Switzerland's gross domestic product in 2022. The global requirement for investment in the renovation and modernization of the energy sector is many times higher.