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Security in Online & Mobile Banking

Safe and se­cure – our On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing ser­vice

To pro­tect your data and wealth, Credit Suisse en­sures its sys­tems, soft­ware, and net­works are con­stantly up­dated in line with the latest (se­cur­ity) stand­ards. In­deed this has now been con­firmed by in­de­pend­ent ex­perts.


In a July 2019 study on se­cur­ity, data pro­tec­tion and com­pli­ance, Im­muni­web® (pro­vider/op­er­ator of ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence for ap­plic­a­tion se­cur­ity) re­viewed the se­cur­ity status of web­sites and mo­bile ap­plic­a­tions at the world's 100 largest fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tions. Credit Suisse was the only Swiss bank to be awar­ded an "A+" rat­ing for SSL en­cryp­tion*, web­site, and mo­bile se­cur­ity.

*SSL stands for "Secure Sockets Layer." This is a protocol enabling users to transfer data across the internet using an encrypted connection.

Become a client 

Open an account online – or in person at one of our branches – in just a few steps. 

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Im­port­ant se­cur­ity factor:
Your aware­ness

Credit Suisse gives top pri­or­ity to se­cur­ity in On­line & Mo­bile
Bank­ing. It is also im­port­ant for you to be alert. Stay se­cure by fol­low­ing these points:

  • Never dis­close your per­sonal login cre­den­tials like user ID, pass­word or the Se­cureSign let­ter. Credit Suisse will never ask you to dis­close your per­sonal in­form­a­tion via email, text mes­sage, tele­phone or up­load func­tion­al­ity.
  • Ig­nore un­ex­pec­ted emails and don’t click on links and at­tach­ments. If you re­ceive such an email, please de­lete it im­me­di­ately.
  • Start your On­line Bank­ing al­ways with credit-​ and check the web­site cer­ti­fic­ate (Lock sym­bol next to the web ad­dress).
  • Use a se­cure pass­word and avoid using the same pass­word for mul­tiple lo­gins.
  • Al­ways use up-​to-date soft­ware and in­stall an an­ti­virus ap­plic­a­tion.
  • Don’t in­stall ad­di­tional ap­plic­a­tions from un­known web­sites. On your smart­phone you only need the Se­cureSign and On­line Bank­ing app from the of­fi­cial App Store and Play Store.

If you re­ceive sus­pi­cious emails, tele­phone calls or up­dates con­tact the On­line Bank­ing Help-​Line or your Re­la­tion­ship Man­ager im­me­di­ately.

Highest security standards with SecureSign

With Online & Mobile Banking from Credit Suisse, you'll benefit from SecureSign – a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use security procedure. When you log in or make an individual payment, you will be shown an image that only you can scan. The SecureSign app is used to scan and decrypt the image.

Additional security measures

Protect your money from online criminals:

How we en­sure se­cur­ity for you

Credit Suisse uses state-​of-the-art sys­tems to en­sure your se­cur­ity dur­ing an on­line bank­ing ses­sion. These in­clude:

  • Se­cure login through our Se­cureSign solu­tion 
  • Strong en­cryp­tion of data
  • Auto­mated trans­ac­tion mon­it­or­ing and trans­ac­tion sign­ing, en­abling you to ex­pli­citly con­firm cer­tain pay­ments

To re­duce the risk of un­au­thor­ized ac­cess and un­au­thor­ized pay­ments by cyber crim­in­als, spe­cific fea­tures of the type and con­tent of your entries are re­cor­ded and pro­cessed. These data are col­lec­ted and pro­cessed ex­clus­ively for this pur­pose and are not ac­cess­ible to third parties.

How we ensure security for you