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When con­duct­ing bank­ing busi­ness, se­cur­ity and user-​friendliness have top pri­or­ity. Se­cureSign provides a new and con­veni­ent se­cur­ity pro­ced­ure for sign­ing in to your On­line Bank­ing. 

Ad­vant­ages of Se­cureSign

  • Total se­cur­ity – state-​​of-​the-art en­cryp­tion tech­no­logy makes bank­ing as se­cure as pos­sible   
  • Off­line us­ab­il­ity – avail­able any­time, any­where, even without an in­ter­net or phone con­nec­tion 
  • Multi-​​device cap­ab­il­ity – ac­cess the app on up to eight dif­fer­ent devices with one user ID
  • Simple – log in quickly and con­veni­ently

Re­quest­ing Se­cureSign

Se­lect the shield sym­bol and click on "Se­cureSign"

Request SecureSign
Anchor: first
Anchor: setting-up-securesign-on-one-device

Setting up SecureSign on one device

  • Once you have received the SecureSign letter, download the free SecureSign app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Call up the Online Banking homepage on your computer (PC or Mac) and enter your user ID and password.       
  • Select the "SecureSign - install device" function and follow the instructions.
  • At the end of the setup process, enter your recovery number to set up additional devices.



Anchor: additional

Setting up a new or additional SecureSign device

  • You can manage your SecureSign devices and add a new device in Online Banking by selecting the shield symbol on the upper right.
  • If you have recorded your recovery number, you can also start the process in the Online Banking login under "Add a new SecureSign device."