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Cur­rent Ac­count

Enjoy the be­ne­fits of our cur­rent ac­counts, also known as check­ing ac­counts. They're the simplest solu­tion for pay­ment trans­ac­tions and se­cur­it­ies trans­ac­tions in Swiss francs and for­eign cur­ren­cies.

Stand­ing or­ders and dir­ect deb­its

On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing in­cluded

No cur­rency trans­la­tion losses¹

¹ On trans­ac­tions in the ac­count cur­rency

Our Cur­rent Ac­count

Our Current Account


CHF and for­eign cur­ren­cies

Debit Mastercard

An­nual fee CHF 50/card
Re­place­ment card CHF 20/card
Card block­ing CHF 55/card

Extracts of account

Provided twice yearly free of charge in the mail or as e-​documents in On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing; every ad­di­tional ex­tract costs CHF 1

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

*For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Loss-Free Banking in Foreign Currencies

Loss-​Free Bank­ing in For­eign Cur­ren­cies

There's a big ad­vant­age to hav­ing a cur­rent ac­count in a for­eign cur­rency: You can make or ac­cept pay­ments de­nom­in­ated in the other cur­rency without hav­ing to ac­tu­ally buy or sell it. That elim­in­ates cur­rency trans­la­tion losses and makes prices easier to cal­cu­late.

Keep Track with Online & Mobile Banking

Keep Track with On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing

Enjoy the free­dom to re­view ac­count state­ments from home, pay a bill while on the go, or check your se­cur­it­ies safe­keep­ing ac­count on the train. It's never been easier or more se­cure with On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing. This plat­form en­ables any­time, any­place bank­ing – on your com­puter, smart­phone or tab­let. All from the simple, user-​friendly in­ter­face in Credit Suisse's On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing.

To Online & Mobile Banking

Ac­count trans­fer ser­vice

We would be happy to help you trans­fer your bank­ing ser­vices to Credit Suisse.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Trans­fer of your ac­counts, cards, and pay­ment fa­cil­it­ies
  • No need for cor­res­pond­ence with the other banks – you can leave it all to us
  • Free for all private cli­ents of Credit Suisse (Switzer­land) Ltd. dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land

Account transfer service

Pay Eas­ily. Achieve Sav­ings Goals