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Optimize your pension provision yourself

Op­tim­ize your fin­an­cial plan your­self

With the in­nov­at­ive “Fin­an­cial Plan”, you can op­tim­ize your per­sonal fin­an­cial situ­ation dir­ectly on your smart­phone thanks to our mo­bile bank­ing app.

Fin­an­cial plan­ning in just a few clicks

  • Take just a few minutes to find out whether your as­sets as they cur­rently stand will be suf­fi­cient in re­tire­ment.
  • Find out to what ex­tent re­tire­ment age will af­fect your pen­sion situ­ation.
  • Get re­com­mend­a­tions about mit­ig­at­ing any pen­sion gaps.
  • Save to­ward spe­cific ex­pendit­ure goals.
Financial planning in just a few clicks

Not a cli­ent yet?

Even if you are not a Credit Suisse cli­ent, we would be happy to ad­vise you on your fin­an­cial plan­ning per­son­ally and with no ob­lig­a­tion.

0844 200 114

Already a cli­ent? Here's how it works

  • Open your Credit Suisse Dir­ect mo­bile app. 
  • Go to "More" on the menu bar, "Sav­ing and in­vest­ing", and then to "CSX Fin­an­cial Plan."
  • The di­gital ad­visor will guide you through the pro­cess.

Take con­trol of your fu­ture

Plan your fin­an­cial fu­ture today. Use "Fin­an­cial Plan" as a self-​ser­vice solu­tion in mo­bile bank­ing or ar­range a con­sulta­tion. Please con­tact us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at:

Take control of your pension provision
Building Wealth

Build­ing Wealth

A nest egg provides se­cur­ity dur­ing re­tire­ment. We’ll help you make the right fin­an­cial de­cisions. De­cisions that stead­ily in­crease your net worth. Start pre­par­ing today so you can enjoy re­tire­ment life without fin­an­cial wor­ries.

Calculate asset accumulation
Making Use of Tax Breaks

Mak­ing Use of Tax Breaks

Our private pen­sion plan will give you mul­tiple tax breaks. First, con­tri­bu­tions to pil­lar 3a are fully tax-​deductible up to the stat­utory con­tri­bu­tion limit. You’ll save for as long as you pay con­tri­bu­tions. And when you draw your pen­sion, the cap­ital will be taxed at a re­duced rate sep­ar­ately from the rest of your in­come.

Calculate tax savings
Anchor: lump-sum-withdrawal


Pen­sion or Lump Sum

Monthly pen­sion, single lump-​sum pay­ment or a com­bin­a­tion of both. We’ll tell you what factors to con­sider in mak­ing your de­cision.

The Four Re­tire­ment Mod­els

You want to ease into re­tire­ment gradu­ally? Or re­tire early at 58? Or keep work­ing until you turn 70? The choice is yours. Second-​pillar plans offer dif­fer­ent ways to leave the labor force. We’ll be happy to provide pen­sion ad­vice.

Es­tate Plan­ning

You want to plan for pos­sible legal in­ca­pa­city and de­cide how your es­tate is dis­trib­uted after you pass away. It’s best to make these pre­par­a­tions early on. With an ad­vance dir­ect­ive, a will, a mar­riage or in­her­it­ance con­tract. The sooner the bet­ter. We’ll ad­vise you.

The Path to the Solu­tion

Many big events in life come with fin­an­cial chal­lenges. We’ll help you tackle them. Take the first step today and sched­ule a per­sonal con­sulta­tion.


Ask the right questions

Per­sonal con­sulta­tion

Analyze your financial situation with us

Plan­ning and ex­e­cu­tion

Optimize whatever you can


Ask the right ques­tions

Dif­fer­ent as­pects of private fin­an­cial plan­ning will re­quire you to ask dif­fer­ent ques­tions. But the most im­port­ant one is this: What goals do you want to achieve? 

Preparation - ask the right questions

Per­sonal con­sulta­tion

Ana­lyze your fin­an­cial situ­ation with us

Using state-​of-the-art fin­an­cial tools, we can ana­lyze your per­sonal situ­ation dir­ectly and show you cus­tom solu­tions while guid­ing the decision-​making pro­cess. 

Personal consultation

Plan­ning and ex­e­cu­tion

Op­tim­ize whatever you can

Our ad­visors have highly qual­i­fied ex­perts at their side to offer you the very best solu­tions. As a res­ult, you’ll get com­pre­hens­ive fu­ture plan­ning that iden­ti­fies every op­por­tun­ity to op­tim­ize your fin­ances.

Planning and execution