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The Con­struc­tion Loan. Build and Fin­ance

You’d like to build a house and need a loan. Our Con­struc­tion loan gives you fin­an­cial lat­it­ude dur­ing the con­struc­tion phase for pay­ing your on­go­ing bills. Later, we’ll con­vert your loan into a mort­gage.

Set­tle­ment limit for con­struc­tion bills

Avail­able start­ing at CHF 100,000

Up to two-​year term

(con­struc­tion phase)


0.25% loan com­mis­sion per quarter*

Con­ver­sion to a mort­gage upon com­ple­tion

* on the highest amount used


With your Con­struc­tion loan, you’re flex­ible at all times. We’ll grant you a credit limit, and you simply pay your con­struc­tion bills from your ac­count.

Download product factsheet (PDF)

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

Your fin­an­cing in the best hands: Our re­gion­ally based fin­an­cing ex­perts will help you find the right product solu­tion for you.

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Our Ex­perts. Your Be­ne­fit

Our ex­per­i­enced and skilled fin­an­cing ex­perts will put the fin­an­cing of your dream prop­erty on a se­cure found­a­tion.

More than 200 ex­perts

When it comes to the fin­an­cing of your prop­erty, you can rely on the know-​how of more than 200 cer­ti­fied ex­perts at Credit Suisse. Free of charge and with no ob­lig­a­tion.

There for you loc­ally

Our fin­an­cing ex­perts are based re­gion­ally through­out Switzer­land and are very fa­mil­iar with the con­di­tions in their re­gion.

Com­pre­hens­ive ad­vice

In order to make your dreams come true, our fin­an­cing ex­perts al­ways have all as­pects of your prop­erty fin­an­cing in view – if ne­ces­sary, with the aid of other fin­an­cial ex­perts.

Here’s how you con­vert your Con­struc­tion loan into a mort­gage

We can offer you three al­tern­at­ives to con­vert your Con­struc­tion loan into a mort­gage (con­sol­id­a­tion).

  • Clas­sic con­sol­id­a­tion

  • Con­sol­id­a­tion with fixed dates

  • Par­tial con­sol­id­a­tion

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Con­vert­ing, Renov­at­ing, Mod­ern­iz­ing

Con­vert or ren­ov­ate? Both are in vogue. In order for mod­ern­iz­a­tion to suc­ceed, three things are par­tic­u­larly im­port­ant:  Make a list of what you’d like to mod­ern­ize. Then, find out how much the work will cost. Fi­nally, work out the fin­an­cing. Ar­chi­tects and build­ers can as­sist you with plan­ning. Ap­praisers will as­sess the value of your prop­erty after renov­at­ing.

3 Steps to Your Con­struc­tion Loan

You need a Con­struc­tion loan for build­ing or renov­at­ing? We can provide you with one quickly and eas­ily.


Get in touch with us

Simply use the con­tact form on our web­site, call the mort­gage hot­line or sched­ule an ap­point­ment at your branch with your re­la­tion­ship man­ager.


Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion with our fin­an­cing ex­perts.

Once you've com­piled all of the rel­ev­ant doc­u­ments (check­list), we’ll come up with a cus­tom­ized fin­an­cing solu­tion, ap­praise the prop­erty and re­view your re­quest for its feas­ib­il­ity.


Get­ting your Con­struc­tion loan

After you’ve signed the loan con­tract pre­pared by us, the Con­struc­tion loan will be made avail­able to you as a cur­rent ac­count credit.

Our Products in Com­par­ison

You’ve found the home or apart­ment of your dreams. We can offer you fin­an­cing solu­tions for the pur­chase of your own home that are tailored to your needs.

  • For­ward fix or Fix mort­gage

  • Adjustable-​rate mort­gage

  • Con­struc­tion loan

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