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Viva Kids Bank­ing Pack­age

Viva Kids* is our free bank­ing pack­age for chil­dren under 12. It helps par­ents teach their kids to be re­spons­ible with cash and di­gital money.

Our Banking Package for Children

Our Banking Package for Children

Digipigi – Digital Money Box

The di­gital money box Di­gipigi** is a fun way for kids to learn how to man­age cash and di­gital money. Di­gipigi** even makes sounds and fa­cial ex­pres­sions and can serve as a night­light and alarm clock.

Private & Savings Account

Our free bank­ing pack­age in­cludes Di­gipigi** as well as a Private and Sav­ings ac­count and an op­tional Debit Mas­ter­card. With the Viva Kids sav­ings ac­count, your child earns 5% in­terest on the first CHF 1,000.

Debit Mastercard

With the Viva Kids Debit Mas­ter­card (ages 7 and up), your child can make cash­less pay­ments and with­draw Swiss francs and euros at ATMs across Switzer­land for free – but solely up to the defined limit on a credit-​only basis.

Open Viva Kids

Do you want more in­form­a­tion about Di­gipigi** and our Viva Kids Bank­ing Pack­age? Con­tact us.

Open Viva Kids
Anchor: digipigi

The Di­gital Money Box

Pick a color

  • Di­gipigi** comes in three col­ors.
  • Makes sounds and fa­cial ex­pres­sions in re­sponse to kids de­pos­it­ing coins and to trans­ac­tions on Viva Kids ac­counts.
  • Pro­tects sav­ings with a se­cure mag­netic lock and is only fully func­tional with the defined home WiFi.
  • It also serves as a night light and alarm clock and de­ac­tiv­ates the WiFi when in sleep mode.
  • De­veloped and pro­duced in Switzer­land.

Anchor: discover-digipigi


Dis­cover Di­gipigi

Our film show­cases all the func­tions and com­pon­ents of Di­gipigi**, its apps, and the Viva Kids Bank­ing Pack­age.

Anchor: app

Di­gipigi Apps: The Way Kids Save Today

With the Di­gipigi apps, you can teach your child about money: Your child will come to un­der­stand in­come and ex­penses. It's easy for you to man­age pocket money and keep an eye on your child's ac­count bal­ance.

Digipigi Apps

  • Set up sav­ing goals

  • Man­age pocket money

  • Define chores

"Viva Kids and the di­gital Di­gipigi** money box make it fun for chil­dren to learn how to handle money re­spons­ibly. We help par­ents and their chil­dren along the way: from their first pocket money to their own bank card, all the way up to the ful­fill­ment of their per­sonal wishes."

Fur­ther Products


* Viva Kids is our banking package for children under 12 with a domicile and mailing address in Switzerland. One parent must at least have a transaction account and an online banking contract with Credit Suisse, and be domiciled in Switzerland. Children aged 7 or over can receive a Debit Mastercard.

** Digipigi is free of charge for children of clients with a Basic Banking, Bonviva, Viva or CSX offering of more than CHF 10 per month. Otherwise, a one-time fee of CHF 99 including VAT will be charged. For exchange/replacements, a fee of CHF 99 including VAT, may apply. Digipigi can be excluded from the Viva Kids Banking Package on request. In that case, the Digipigi apps can’t be used.

*** Telephone calls may be recorded for security reasons and training purposes. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.