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Saving. For Young People and Children

Sav­ing. For Young People and Chil­dren

You want to save up money for your child, god­child or an­other young per­son you care about. With a Gift sav­ings ac­count or a Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan, you can help them build the cap­ital they need for a care­free fu­ture.

Saving for Young People and Children

Save for a child

With our Gift savings account, you can give a child a small slice of a better future. In addition, the Gift investment fund savings plan is perfect for parents, godparents and grandparents who wish to start a securities-based savings scheme early on behalf of a child.

Help children save

With Viva Kids, the free banking package for children under 12, you can help your child learn how to responsibly manage cash and digital money – the first steps toward financial responsibility.

More than Saving. Viva Kids Banking

More than Sav­ing. Viva Kids Bank­ing

Many chil­dren re­ceive a reg­u­lar al­low­ance and learn to man­age money early on. The sooner they learn how to man­age an ac­count on their own, the easier it will be for them to do their own bank­ing in later years. Our free Viva Kids bank­ing pack­age is a fun, easy in­tro­duc­tion to the world of fin­ance for chil­dren.

Find out more

Con­tact Us

Want more in­form­a­tion about our sav­ings solu­tions? Just call. We’d be happy to ad­vise you.

Contact Us

*For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

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Viva Young/Student

CSX Young

The free di­gital bank­ing of­fer­ing for every­one from 12 to 25 years of age. Ac­count, Debit Mas­ter­card, dis­counts on movie tick­ets, and great deals on stream­ing pack­ages – all in one app.