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SARON Hypotheken

SARON mort­gage

Anchor: saron

Our SARON product

You've found your dream property and would like to benefit from the attractive Swiss reference interest rate? Find out more about our product offering here.

SARON mort­gage

For the fol­low­ing cli­ents

  • Cli­ents who are com­fort­able with the fact that the in­terest amount ac­tu­ally due is not known until the end of the re­spect­ive ac­count­ing period
  • Cli­ents who can ac­cept un­cer­tain­ties and fluc­tu­ations in the mar­ket in­terest rate


Ad­vant­ages for you

  • Be­ne­fit from con­sist­ently low or fall­ing in­terest rates
  • Par­ti­cip­ate in the cur­rent in­terest rate de­vel­op­ment through­out the se­lec­ted term


Your op­tions

  • You choose the term and peri­od­icity of the ac­count­ing period
  • Flex­ible thanks to the pos­sib­il­ity of switch­ing to a dif­fer­ent Credit Suisse mort­gage product every day



  • Min­imum amount - CHF 100,000
  • Term - 1 year
  • Tranche - 1 or 3 month

How does the SARON mort­gage work?

For the SARON mort­gage, the in­terest rate com­prises the com­poun­ded SARON and an agreed fixed mar­gin. The in­terest rate is only an­nounced ret­ro­spect­ively at the end of the in­terest period.

How does the SARON mortgage work?

How does in­terest com­pu­ta­tion work for the SARON mort­gage?

Com­pound­ing is an interest-​on-interest com­pu­ta­tion using the base rates fixed daily for a spe­cific ac­count­ing period, i.e. the com­pu­ta­tion is per­formed ret­ro­spect­ively as of the due date for the ac­count­ing period.

How does interest computation work for the SARON mortgage?
Anchor: video

We will be glad to ad­vise you in per­son

Your fin­an­cing in the best hands: Our re­gion­ally based fin­an­cing ex­perts can show you how to take ad­vant­age of op­por­tun­it­ies and min­im­ize risks.

We will be glad to advise you in person

More in­form­a­tion about SARON and LIBOR

  • Phase-​​​out of the (L)IBOR ref­er­ence rate

  • IBOR and IBOR Trans­ition

  • SARON – the Swiss solu­tion

  • What should I do as a cur­rent LIBOR-​mortgage holder?

  • How is SARON dif­fer­ent from the CHF LIBOR?

  • How do you de­rive a term rate base an Overnight SARON rate?

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