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Professional Wealth Management

Pro­fes­sional Wealth Man­age­ment

You’re look­ing for a re­li­able part­ner to man­age your as­sets. But without sac­ri­fi­cing trans­par­ency or se­cur­ity. Our wealth man­agers will help you in­vest your as­sets for the long term. Relax in the cer­tainty that every in­vest­ment is made with your aims in mind. Give us a man­date, and we will man­age your as­sets for you.

Your In­vest­ments in Pro­fes­sional Hands

Leave the fin­an­cial mar­ket ana­lysis as well as act­ive man­age­ment and mon­it­or­ing of your as­sets to our in­vest­ment ex­perts. Your be­ne­fits: our proven in­vest­ment ex­pert­ise and our global in­vest­ment net­work.

Full-​service ex­per­i­ence

Ex­per­i­ence the high-​touch ser­vice that comes with pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment. You’ll avoid the need to fol­low day-​to-day mar­ket de­vel­op­ments or make in­vest­ment de­cisions your­self.

Cus­tom solu­tions

We will take the time to get to know you at the start of our re­la­tion­ship. That way, we can be sure to man­age your wealth in a way that ad­vances your goals and suits your unique pro­file.

Man­age in­vest­ment risk

Broad di­ver­si­fic­a­tion across re­gions, asset classes and in­vest­ing styles is ab­so­lutely es­sen­tial and helps min­im­ize risk. Our wealth man­age­ment funds are also good choices for small-​scale in­vest­ments.

Anchor: solutions

One Goal. Two solutions

We work toward a clear objective: long-term capital growth. Regardless of the professional wealth management solution that you choose.

  • Asset management mandates

    Full-service solution for your assets

  • Wealth management

    Professional wealth management in a fund format

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one.
You can con­tact us Monday to Fri­day, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Schedule a Consultation

* For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Anchor: advantages

Enjoy These Be­ne­fits

Sign up for our pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment if what you want is a full-​service in­vest­ment pack­age. Our global fin­an­cial ex­perts have the know­ledge and skill to pro­tect and grow your wealth. We will keep a close eye on your port­fo­lio and im­me­di­ately act on mar­ket op­por­tun­it­ies that be­ne­fit you.

The Choice Is Yours

With our pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment solu­tions, you leave act­ive asset man­age­ment to our in­vest­ment ex­perts. If you prefer to make your in­vest­ment de­cisions your­self while re­ceiv­ing com­pet­ent sup­port from your per­sonal in­vest­ment ad­visor, we re­com­mend you our UBS Ad­vice in­vest­ment ad­vis­ory solu­tions.

Pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment solu­tions

  • You define your in­di­vidual in­vest­ment strategy, with our sup­port, in line with your in­vest­ment ob­ject­ives
  • Seasoned in­vest­ment ex­perts act­ively man­age your as­sets for you

In­vest with ad­vice

  • Your per­sonal in­vest­ment ad­visor sup­ports you in de­fin­ing your in­vest­ment strategy
  • You re­ceive stra­tegic in­vest­ment ideas and de­tailed re­ports on the per­form­ance of your in­vest­ments
  • You choose between dif­fer­ent levels of port­fo­lio mon­it­or­ing

Reach Your In­vest­ment Goals

Our ser­vices are geared to your needs. Choose the ser­vice that you want for your in­vest­ments. Let us handle the de­tails.