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Personalized Investment Advice

In­vest­ment Ad­vice

You de­cide how much input you want for your in­vest­ments and what de­cisions you prefer mak­ing your­self. We’ll provide an ad­vis­ory pack­age spe­cific­ally tailored to your needs. Put the global ex­pert­ise of our in­vest­ment con­sult­ants and ex­perts to work for you.

Your Be­ne­fits at a Glance


Per­sonal ad­vice

A per­sonal ad­visor will guide and as­sist you with whichever solu­tion you end up choos­ing. De­pend­ing on the in­vest­ment solu­tion, you will also be ad­vised by an in­vest­ment con­sult­ant.

Port­fo­lio mon­it­or­ing

You de­cide how often you want re­ports on the qual­ity of your port­fo­lio. All our solu­tions in­clude an an­nual ac­count state­ment with per­form­ance cal­cu­la­tions.

In­de­pend­ent in­vest­ment pro­pos­als

We only re­com­mend in­vest­ments that meet our strict stand­ards re­gard­less of whether they are our products or are from other pro­viders.

Our Investment Solutions

Explore our different investment solutions and find the one that’s right for you. We provide different investment solutions: from professional wealth management to a toolkit for financial experts all the way to a compact package for basic needs.

UBS Advice Light

UBS Advice Light

Your client advisor will assist you with all investment questions at your request. Benefit from quarterly portfolio monitoring and access to industry-leading research.


Personal advisor

Reports on portfolio performance and quality

Four times per year

Recommended minimum investment

CHF 250,000

UBS Advice Light
UBS Advice

UBS Advice

Your client advisor will actively counsel you on market opportunities. An extensive report and regular portfolio quality analyses help you identify risks in your portfolio and respond appropriately early on.


Personal advisor

Reports on portfolio performance and quality

Four times per year

Recommended minimum investment

CHF 500,000

UBS Advice
UBS Advice Premium

UBS Advice Premium

High-touch service: In addition to your client advisor, you also have access to a personal Active Advisor. Your consultant will contact you proactively – daily, in some cases – so you can seize market opportunities and receive early warnings about risks.


Personal advisor and additional Active Advisor

Reports on portfolio performance and quality

Four times per year

Recommended minimum investment

CHF 5,000,000

UBS Advice Premium

The Choice Is Yours

With our UBS Ad­vice solu­tions, you get as much in­vest­ment ad­vice as you need. If you prefer to define the in­vest­ment strategy but leave the ac­tual in­vest­ment de­cisions to the pro­fes­sion­als, then we re­com­mend our pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment solu­tions.

In­vest with ad­vice

  • Per­son­al­ized in­vest­ment ad­vice with UBS Ad­vice Light, UBS Ad­vice and UBS Ad­vice Premium
  • Tailored to your needs, in­vest­ment ob­ject­ives and asset situ­ation

Pro­fes­sional wealth man­age­ment solu­tions

  • You define your in­di­vidual in­vest­ment strategy, with our sup­port, in line with your in­vest­ment ob­ject­ives
  • Seasoned in­vest­ment pro­fes­sion­als act­ively man­age your as­sets for you

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation
Anchor: procedure

* For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Suc­cess­ful In­vest­ing, One Step at a Time

The only way to man­age your as­sets prudently and de­lib­er­ately is by sit­ting down with you to as­sess your over­all life situ­ation. We’ll take the time to get to know you and your needs in de­tail. With our struc­tured ad­vis­ory pro­cess, we can guide you to your per­sonal in­vest­ment goal, one step at a time.

Step 1: Needs ana­lysis

Your needs and goals come first

Step 2: Fin­an­cial concept

From analysis to concept

Step 3: Cli­ent pro­file

We define your client profile

Step 4: Strategy

The foundation for your investment solution

Step 1: Needs ana­lysis

Your needs and goals come first

Your per­sonal cli­ent ad­visor will work with you to sys­tem­at­ic­ally cata­log your needs and per­sonal situ­ation.

Step 1: Needs analysis

Step 2: Fin­an­cial concept

From ana­lysis to concept

Start­ing with the needs ana­lysis, we will draw up an over­view of your per­sonal as­sets to­gether with you. This is your fin­an­cial concept.

Step 2: Financial concept

Step 3: Cli­ent pro­file

We define your cli­ent pro­file

We will dis­cuss your per­sonal will­ing­ness to take on risks and your fin­an­cial abil­ity to bear them as part of a risk ana­lysis. Our find­ings will go into your cli­ent pro­file.

Step 3: Client profile

Step 4: Strategy

The found­a­tion for your in­vest­ment solu­tion

We will identify po­ten­tial fin­an­cial strategies that are con­sist­ent with your in­vest­ment goals and risk pro­file. We will help you make the right choice and struc­ture it prop­erly.

Step 4: Strategy

Reach Your In­vest­ment Goals

Our ser­vices are geared to your needs. Choose the ser­vice that you want for your in­vest­ments. Let us handle the de­tails.