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Independent Investing

In­de­pend­ent In­vest­ing

As an ex­per­i­enced in­vestor, you know your in­vest­ment strategy and how to im­ple­ment it.

Anchor: products

Find the Right In­vest­ment Product

We give you the choice of a broad range of se­cur­it­ies, all se­lec­ted based on ob­ject­ive cri­teria. Every asset class has ad­vant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages. Dis­cover the in­vest­ment op­tions that suit your per­sonal needs, pref­er­ences and goals.

Mu­tual Funds

Do you want your in­vest­ments to be broadly di­ver­si­fied with max­imum im­pact? Then we re­com­mend funds. You can pur­sue mar­ket op­por­tun­it­ies with a re­l­at­ively small in­vest­ment.

Learn more


When you buy shares, you are in­vest­ing dir­ectly in com­pan­ies. They be­ne­fit you in two ways: di­vidends and cap­ital gains. Due to their volat­il­ity, they are par­tic­u­larly suited for long-​term in­vest­ments.

Learn more

The Choice Is Yours

In­vest­ing your own as­sets and max­im­iz­ing your re­turns takes time. That’s be­cause mar­ket know­ledge is the key to mar­ket suc­cess. With our Credit Suisse In­vest in­vest­ment solu­tions, we offer you in­di­vidual in­vest­ment ad­vice at at­tract­ive con­di­tions. Talk to your per­sonal ad­visor for in­formed, ef­fect­ive as­sist­ance.

In­vest in­de­pend­ently

  • You know your in­vest­ment ob­ject­ives and de­cide for your­self which se­cur­it­ies to in­vest in
  • You will be­ne­fit from our large cata­log of in­vest­ments, all chosen based on ob­ject­ive cri­teria

In­vest with ad­vice

  • Your per­sonal in­vest­ment ad­visor sup­ports you in de­fin­ing your in­vest­ment strategy
  • You re­ceive stra­tegic in­vest­ment ideas and de­tailed re­ports on the per­form­ance of your in­vest­ments
  • You choose between dif­fer­ent levels of port­fo­lio mon­it­or­ing

Your Needs. Our Solu­tion

Our ser­vices are geared to your needs. Choose the ser­vice that you want for your in­vest­ments. Let us handle the de­tails.