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Online & Mobile Banking

Use On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing simply and se­curely from home

On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing makes your life easier. Take care of your bank­ing busi­ness whenever and wherever you like. Save time and money by ex­ecut­ing pay­ment and se­cur­it­ies trans­ac­tions via On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing.

Do you want to ac­cess on­line and mo­bile bank­ing?   Login

Do you have any questions?

Don't know what to do next? Here you'll find instructions on all aspects of online and mobile banking. 

The ad­vant­ages of On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing

Anchor: sparen

Save time and money


  • Pay se­curely. In no time.

  • Track your account. Via push notifications.

  • Together for the environment. Switch now to e-documents.

Anchor: system-requirements

Sys­tem re­quire­ments

We re­com­mend the fol­low­ing op­er­at­ing sys­tems and browsers to use our on­line bank­ing sys­tem:

JavaS­cript and cook­ies must be ac­tiv­ated for the web­site to work prop­erly.

We re­com­mend that you reg­u­larly up­date your browser and op­er­at­ing sys­tem.

Cer­tain ele­ments of on­line bank­ing may not work prop­erly if you have a browser and op­er­at­ing sys­tem com­bin­a­tion that is not lis­ted above.



Here you'll find in­struc­tions on all as­pects of on­line and mo­bile bank­ing. 

Learn more
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It's a lot easier than you think

Pay securely. In no time.

With the Credit Suisse Direct app, you can scan bills and pay them in just a few clicks. There is no need to type in the reference number and other payment details.

Track your account. Via push notification.

Thanks to automatic notification of account movements, new e-documents, or changed market data, you are always informed. Choose how you want to be notified in the Credit Suisse Direct app.

Download Credit Suisse Direct App (App Store)

Download Credit Suisse Direct App (Google Play)

Fur­ther On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing be­ne­fits

Credit Suisse Dir­ect, our se­cure On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing ser­vice for private cli­ents, makes bank­ing a joy. Our in­tu­it­ive nav­ig­a­tion quickly takes you where you want to go. Save money by mak­ing pay­ments and car­ry­ing out se­cur­it­ies trans­ac­tions via On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing.

  • Pay­ment as­sist­ant for quick pay­ments
  • View and ap­prove elec­tronic bills
  • Trade se­cur­it­ies and cur­ren­cies on more than 70 stock ex­changes around the world
  • View and ex­tend mort­gages
  • Man­age coun­try set­tings for Maes­tro cards
  • Fast, ef­fi­cient sup­port with screen shar­ing func­tion
Anchor: benefits-of-the-app

Be­ne­fits of the app

Whether at home on the sofa, on va­ca­tion, or on the train: The Credit Suisse Dir­ect app lets you take care of your bank­ing busi­ness wherever and whenever you like – on your smart­phone or tab­let. Enjoy con­veni­ent, flex­ible bank­ing, and the highest se­cur­ity stand­ards with Se­cureSign.

  • Scan bills and pay them more quickly
  • Cre­ate a per­sonal watch­list for mon­it­or­ing rel­ev­ant se­cur­it­ies
  • Re­ceive push mes­sages for ac­count move­ments and e-​documents
  • Send and re­ceive QR pay­ments
  • Find branches and ATMs
  • Get sup­port with call­back ser­vice

Do you have any questions?

Don't know what to do next? Here you'll find instructions on all aspects of online and mobile banking. 

Down­load Credit Suisse Dir­ect App

Anchor: securesign

Highest se­cur­ity stand­ards with

With On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing from Credit Suisse, you'll be­ne­fit from Se­cureSign – a state-​of-the-art, easy-​to-use se­cur­ity pro­ced­ure. When you log in or make an in­di­vidual pay­ment, you will be shown an image that only you can de­crypt. The Se­cureSign app is used to de­crypt the image.

Im­port­ant se­cur­ity factor: your aware­ness

Credit Suisse gives top pri­or­ity to se­cur­ity in On­line & Mo­bile Bank­ing. It is also im­port­ant for you to be alert. Credit Suisse will never ask you to dis­close your per­sonal in­form­a­tion via email, text mes­sage, or tele­phone. If you re­ceive such an email, please de­lete it im­me­di­ately.

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The ad­vant­ages of e‑doc­u­ments for you

Using e-​documents gives you a way to have bank doc­u­ments, such as tax-​related doc­u­ments, sent elec­tron­ic­ally as PDF files so you can view them in your doc­u­ment box.

  • Fast – all doc­u­ments im­me­di­ately view­able in your on­line bank­ing and avail­able for 36 months.
  • Con­veni­ent – thanks to the fil­ter func­tion, find spe­cific doc­u­ments (e.g. for your tax re­turn).
  • Free of charge – no fees for you.
  • Se­cure – pro­tec­ted by di­gital sig­na­ture.
  • En­vir­on­ment­ally friendly – re­duce paper con­sump­tion to­gether.

Get Cash. Without Using a Card

Make with­draw­als or de­pos­its without a cash card or send money to friends: Card­less Cash makes it pos­sible. Use the Credit Suisse Dir­ect app to gen­er­ate a QR code, which you can store in your smart­phone, print out, or send elec­tron­ic­ally. You can then with­draw or de­posit money con­veni­ently and without a card by scan­ning the QR code at one of about 330 Credit Suisse ATMs across Switzer­land.

PDF Cardless Cash

Do you have any questions?

Don't know what to do next? Here you'll find instructions on all aspects of online and mobile banking. 

Mort­gages – view and ex­tend on­line

In your On­line Bank­ing ac­count, you will see a list of your mort­gages and the con­trac­tual de­tails such as the cur­rent in­terest rate, the term, and the cur­rent credit volumes. You may also quickly and eas­ily ex­tend your mort­gage your­self.

Anchor: ebill

Use eBill. Pay smarter. 

eBill al­lows you to re­ceive your bills where you pay them: dir­ectly in On­line Bank­ing. This en­ables you to pro­cess your pay­ments in an ef­fi­cient, se­cure, and pa­per­less man­ner. 

eBill PDF
Anchor: blink

bLink (Open Bank­ing)

bLink provides you with a stand­ard­ized ap­plic­a­tion pro­gram­ming in­ter­face (API) for link­ing your fin­an­cial soft­ware to a fin­an­cial in­sti­tu­tion. Via bLink, you re­ceive bank ac­count in­form­a­tion dir­ectly in your fin­an­cial soft­ware and auto­mat­ic­ally trans­fer pay­ments to the bank. Pay­ment or­ders sent with bLink must also be ap­proved in on­line bank­ing for se­cur­ity reas­ons. The link is ini­ti­ated dir­ectly from the fin­an­cial soft­ware. Ac­count ac­cess per­mis­sions for third-​party ap­plic­a­tions (fin­an­cial soft­ware) can be man­aged dir­ectly in on­line bank­ing.

Credit Suisse pre­paid cards app

The Credit Suisse pre­paid card app gives you the per­fect over­view

View your card charges, cash with­draw­als, spend­ing, and the cur­rent card bal­ance of your Credit Suisse Pre­paid card or Travel Cash card. If you have any ques­tions (or have lost your smart­phone), please con­tact Swiss Bankers Pre­paid Ser­vices at +41 31 710 12 15, Monday to Fri­day, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Ad­di­tional soft­ware to make your life easier


PayEye is a prac­tical scan­ner for en­ter­ing pay­ments eas­ily and se­curely. PayEye is used to scan QR codes on QR-​bills and ISR en­cod­ing lines on or­ange pay­ment slips.
In­form­a­tion that you enter when or­der­ing PayEye via the fol­low­ing link will be stored on serv­ers in Switzer­land or in a coun­try of the European Union.

Find out more

As a Credit Suisse cli­ent, you’ll re­ceive dis­counts for the off­line pay­ment ap­plic­a­tions and scan­ners named below.

MacPay (for Mac OS)

MacPay is an off­line pay­ment ap­plic­a­tion for pay­ments in Switzer­land and abroad. You can man­age sev­eral ac­counts sim­ul­tan­eously. You can also ex­port pay­ment or­ders to the most pop­u­lar ac­count­ing pro­grams and print pay­ment lists as a sum­mary or in de­tail.

Learn more

This might in­terest you

Credit Suisse TWINT

With Credit Suisse TWINT, you can make con­veni­ent and se­cure pay­ments with your smart­phone. Cash trans­fers are also easy with Credit Suisse TWINT.

eBank­ing – but se­cure!

Visit the EBAS web­site to re­ceive use­ful tips for se­cure e-​banking from our part­ner.


Save with an ac­count and card pack­age

Our Bon­viva Bank­ing Pack­ages offer you ac­counts, cards, and many other ser­vices at a trans­par­ent, fixed price.

Do you have any questions?

Don't know what to do next? Here you'll find instructions on all aspects of online and mobile banking.