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Vested Benefits – 2nd Pillar

Ves­ted Be­ne­fits – 2nd Pil­lar

Your life is chan­ging. You’re going into busi­ness for your­self. Or you’re leav­ing the work­force to focus on your fam­ily for a while. We’ll make sure that your re­tire­ment be­ne­fits re­main in­tact. You de­cide how to in­vest your Pil­lar 2 as­sets. Let us handle the rest.

Your Be­ne­fits

You’ll keep up your pen­sion pro­tec­tion dur­ing peri­ods when you don’t be­long to a pen­sion fund. You can trans­fer your as­sets to a Ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count – 2nd pil­lar or in­vest them in a Ves­ted be­ne­fits safe­keep­ing ac­count – 2nd pil­lar. Learn about the be­ne­fits.


You’ve left your pen­sion fund? Not a prob­lem. Your pen­sion fund as­sets are in good hands with us.

In­terest rate

You re­ceive an in­terest rate of 0.20%

The Choice Is Yours

You want to pursue a higher return? Or you put security first? We will help you find the right solution for your vested benefits.

  • Securities – 2nd Pillar


  • Account - 2nd Pillar


Allow Us to Ad­vise You

There are many ways to save up for re­tire­ment. We’ll work with you to find the per­fect product for your needs.

Allow Us to Advise You
Start Enjoying Your Future Today

Start En­joy­ing Your Fu­ture Today


Feel good know­ing that you’ve taken care of everything for your re­tire­ment. What you do today de­term­ines how you’ll live when you’re older. We have a lot of at­tract­ive op­tions to choose from if your work life changes and you want to trans­fer your re­tire­ment be­ne­fits.

Pensions for the Self-Employed

Pen­sions for the Self-​Employed

As a busi­ness owner, you have a lot of re­spons­ib­il­ity. In­clud­ing for your re­tire­ment. When you start your own busi­ness, you’ll have to de­cide how to con­tinue sav­ing for your oc­cu­pa­tional pen­sion. We’ll sit down with you to find the solu­tion that best meets your needs.

Saving for Retirement between Jobs

Sav­ing for Re­tire­ment between Jobs

You’ve left the work­force for a while. Maybe you want to de­vote all your time to your fam­ily. Or per­haps you’re tak­ing a long trip. Whatever your situ­ation, we’ll help you pro­tect your re­tire­ment sav­ings while you take some time off. That way, your pen­sion pro­vi­sion is main­tained and you’ll stay in con­trol of your life, even in re­tire­ment.

Anchor: pension-scheme-beneficiary

With­drawal of Ves­ted Be­ne­fits – 2nd Pil­lar

You can ac­cess your ves­ted be­ne­fits as soon as you reach AHV ref­er­ence age. Or pos­sibly even earlier, de­pend­ing on the cir­cum­stances.

The Ideal Re­tire­ment Plan. Learn More


Your private pension

Your private pen­sion

Come to us to de­velop the private pen­sion plan that suits your needs. We’ll show you all the op­por­tun­it­ies that pil­lar 3a has to offer.

*The all-​in fee relates only to the in­vest­ment group con­cerned. In­vest­ments in in­vest­ment groups re­quire a Ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count. An ac­count fee of CHF 9 per quarter will be charged for each Ves­ted be­ne­fits ac­count.