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Vested Benefits – 2nd Pillar

Vested Benefits – 2nd Pillar

Your life is changing. You’re going into business for yourself. Or you’re leaving the workforce to focus on your family for a while. We’ll make sure that your retirement benefits remain intact. You decide how to invest your Pillar 2 assets. Let us handle the rest.

Your Benefits

You’ll keep up your pension protection during periods when you don’t belong to a pension fund. You can transfer your assets to a Vested benefits account – 2nd pillar or invest them in a Vested benefits safekeeping account – 2nd pillar. Learn about the benefits.


You’ve left your pension fund? Not a problem. Your pension fund assets are in good hands with us.

Interest rate

You receive an interest rate of 0.30%

The Choice Is Yours

You want to pursue a higher return? Or you put security first? We will help you find the right solution for your vested benefits.

  • Securities – 2nd Pillar


  • Account - 2nd Pillar


Allow Us to Advise You

There are many ways to save up for retirement. We’ll work with you to find the perfect product for your needs.

Allow Us to Advise You
Start Enjoying Your Future Today

Start Enjoying Your Future Today


Feel good knowing that you’ve taken care of everything for your retirement. What you do today determines how you’ll live when you’re older. We have a lot of attractive options to choose from if your work life changes and you want to transfer your retirement benefits.

Pensions for the Self-Employed

Pensions for the Self-Employed

As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibility. Including for your retirement. When you start your own business, you’ll have to decide how to continue saving for your occupational pension. We’ll sit down with you to find the solution that best meets your needs.

Saving for Retirement between Jobs

Saving for Retirement between Jobs

You’ve left the workforce for a while. Maybe you want to devote all your time to your family. Or perhaps you’re taking a long trip. Whatever your situation, we’ll help you protect your retirement savings while you take some time off. That way, your pension provision is maintained and you’ll stay in control of your life, even in retirement.

Anchor: pension-scheme-beneficiary

Withdrawal of Vested Benefits – 2nd Pillar

You can access your vested benefits as soon as you reach AHV reference age. Or possibly even earlier, depending on the circumstances.

The Ideal Retirement Plan. Learn More


*The all-in fee relates only to the investment group concerned. Investments in investment groups require a Vested benefits account. An account fee of CHF 9 per quarter will be charged for each Vested benefits account.