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Paying off your mortgage

Pay­ing off your mort­gage

You’d like to pay off your mort­gage and switch to Credit Suisse. Then take ad­vant­age of the op­por­tun­ity to ob­tain at­tract­ive terms. We offer mort­gage mod­els to suit your needs.

The right solu­tion for your mort­gage re­pay­ment 

We de­term­ine the right products for you based on your risk tol­er­ance, fin­an­cial mar­gin, and the cur­rent in­terest rates. Our ex­perts can show you the right mort­gage solu­tion for vari­ous scen­arios. In the long run, you’ll save money with the op­timal com­bin­a­tion of mort­gage products and term.


Get in touch with us


What you can ex­pect from the con­sulta­tion


Ob­tain your mort­gage



Have your mort­gage trans­ferred

Simply use the con­tact form on our web­site, call the mort­gage hot­line, or sched­ule an ap­point­ment with a fin­an­cing ex­pert or your re­la­tion­ship man­ager. Our ex­perts look for­ward to speak­ing with you.

To provide a de­tailed as­sess­ment of your in­quiry and your mort­gage, we need the ap­pro­pri­ate doc­u­ments from you (see check­list). Based on this, we’ll re­view your re­quest for its feas­ib­il­ity, ap­praise the prop­erty, and come up with a cus­tom­ized fin­an­cing solu­tion for you.

After the credit con­tract has been signed and you have de­cided on a mort­gage, your fin­an­cing is con­cluded and we will issue a prom­ise of pay­ment.

Your mort­gage notes will be trans­ferred to Credit Suisse, and your mort­gage will be paid off.

Make use of our cap­ab­il­it­ies

You pos­sess real es­tate and want to pay off your mort­gage. Our ex­perts are avail­able to as­sist you by provid­ing a de­tailed ana­lysis of your spe­cific situ­ation and fo­cus­ing on your needs and op­tions.

We’ll provide ad­vice

You pos­sess real es­tate and want to pay off your mort­gage. Our ex­perts are avail­able to as­sist you by provid­ing a de­tailed ana­lysis of your spe­cific situ­ation and fo­cus­ing on your needs and op­tions.

We are re­gion­ally based

The cer­ti­fied fin­an­cing ex­perts at Credit Suisse are fa­mil­iar with the local con­di­tions and will sup­port you dur­ing the en­tire pro­cess with their com­pre­hens­ive know-​how.

We have ex­per­i­ence

Our spe­cial­ized ex­perts have dealt in­tens­ively with the Swiss real es­tate mar­ket and the fin­an­cing of real es­tate. Your re­pay­ment is in the right hands.

We would be happy to ad­vise you per­son­ally on your re­pay­ment

Your fin­an­cing in the best hands: Our re­gion­ally based fin­an­cing ex­perts can show you how to take ad­vant­age of op­por­tun­it­ies and min­im­ize risks.

Wir beraten Sie gerne persönlich

* Telephone calls may be recorded for security reasons and training purposes. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.

Your Life Is Chan­ging. We Can Ad­vise You

Not everything in life can be planned. A vari­ety of events can in­flu­ence your fin­an­cial op­tions. In order for your mort­gage to re­main af­ford­able in the fu­ture as well, we’ll plan your mort­gage strategy to fit your spe­cific life situ­ation and your op­tions.