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Today, a Dreamer. Tomorrow, an Owner

Today, a Dreamer. To­mor­row, an Owner

With the right fin­an­cing, your dream of own­ing your own home can come true faster than you can ima­gine. Learn how the prop­erty of your dreams can be­come af­ford­able and what needs to be done to make this hap­pen. Take ad­vant­age of our ex­perts’ skills in mak­ing your prop­erty dreams come true.


Good Reas­ons for Own­ing Your Own Home

There are many good reas­ons for in­vest­ing in a prop­erty. It de­pends on your cur­rent life situ­ation and what your goals, de­sires and dreams are. That’s why our cer­ti­fied ex­perts will take a close look at your per­sonal situ­ation in order to help you find the op­timal solu­tion.
Anchor: conditions
Requirements for a Mortgage

Re­quire­ments for a Mort­gage

In order to buy a prop­erty, you’ll need to provide equity whose fair mar­ket value is equal to at least 20% of the pur­chase price. In ad­di­tion, you’ll have to be able to af­ford the fin­an­cing. This is nor­mally as­sured if the costs for fin­an­cing, main­ten­ance, and up­keep and an­cil­lary costs, plus amort­iz­a­tion, do not ex­ceed one-​third of your gross in­come.

4 Steps to Own­ing Your Own Home

Learn how you can buy a prop­erty quickly and eas­ily with a mort­gage from Credit Suisse.

Get in touch

Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion

Get a mort­gage

Move into your own home

Get in touch

Call us on our mort­gage hot­line at 0844 100 114 (from Monday to Fri­day between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.*) or sched­ule an ap­point­ment via the form.

Get in touch

Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion

Once you’ve com­piled all of the rel­ev­ant doc­u­ments (check­list), we’ll re­view your re­quest for its feas­ib­il­ity, ap­praise the prop­erty and come up with a cus­tom­ized fin­an­cing solu­tion for you.

Contact us for a consultation

Get a mort­gage

After you’ve signed the credit con­tract that we pre­pared, we’ll issue a prom­ise of pay­ment. Then you can choose a product.

Get a mortgage

Move into your own home

Once the con­tract of sale has been au­then­tic­ated by a not­ary, we’ll dis­burse the pur­chase price to the seller, and you can move in.

Move into your own home

*For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Our Ex­pert­ise. Your Be­ne­fit

Our mort­gage ex­perts will put the fin­an­cing of your dream prop­erty on a se­cure found­a­tion. With ex­per­i­ence and skill.

More than 200 ex­perts

When it comes to fin­an­cing your prop­erty, you can rely on the know-​how of more than 200 cer­ti­fied ex­perts at Credit Suisse. Free of charge and with no ob­lig­a­tion.

There for you loc­ally

Our mort­gage ex­perts are based re­gion­ally through­out Switzer­land and are very fa­mil­iar with the con­di­tions in their re­gion.

Com­pre­hens­ive ad­vice

In order to make your dreams come true, our mort­gage ex­perts al­ways have all as­pects of your prop­erty fin­an­cing in view – if ne­ces­sary, with the aid of other fin­an­cial ex­perts.

Here’s How Your Financing Works

Here’s How Your Fin­an­cing Works

Using a cus­tom­ized fin­an­cing model, we pave the way for you to buy your dream prop­erty.

You’d like to buy a prop­erty. We’ll provide you with the right fin­an­cing. Learn how you can make your dream of own­ing your home come true.

The Impact of Interest Rates

The Im­pact of In­terest Rates

Con­clud­ing a mort­gage has an im­pact on your fin­an­cial situ­ation. In this re­gard, a de­cis­ive factor is mort­gage in­terest. There­fore, it’s worth­while to gain an un­der­stand­ing early about how in­terest rates change and to struc­ture the mort­gage cor­rectly. The right mort­gage solu­tion is highly de­pend­ent on your needs, as well as risk ca­pa­city and risk tol­er­ance.

Equity and Af­ford­ab­il­ity

Our video will provide you with ad­di­tional use­ful in­form­a­tion about the topic of equity and af­ford­ab­il­ity of a mort­gage, with short, easy-​to-understand ex­plan­a­tions. Find out more today!

Our Products at a Glance