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Fix Mort­gage

The Credit Suisse Fix mort­gage is what is known as a fixed-​rate mort­gage. With it, you can pro­tect your­self against rising mort­gage in­terest rates and budget your costs in ad­vance. The in­terest rate re­mains the same for the en­tire term.

Fixed in­terest rate for a fixed amount

Term of 2–10 years

Min­imum amount of CHF 100,000

Costs that can be planned

Long-​Term Fixed In­terest Rate

With a fixed-​rate mort­gage, you can plan and budget se­curely. It has a fixed term at a fixed amount with a fixed-​rate mort­gage in­terest rate.

Download product factsheet (PDF)

Cur­rent In­terest Rate for the Fix mort­gage

The in­terest rate also var­ies de­pend­ing on the se­lec­ted term. Our daily in­terest rates and the fore­casts of our ex­perts should help you in your decision-​making.

To the mortgage interest rates

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

Your fin­an­cing in the best hands: Our re­gion­ally based fin­an­cing ex­perts will help you find the right product solu­tion for you.

Schedule a Consultation

Our Ex­perts. Your Be­ne­fit

Our ex­per­i­enced and skilled fin­an­cing ex­perts will put the fin­an­cing of your dream prop­erty on a se­cure found­a­tion.

More than 200 ex­perts

When it comes to the fin­an­cing of your prop­erty, you can rely on the know-​how of more than 200 cer­ti­fied ex­perts at Credit Suisse. Free of charge and with no ob­lig­a­tion.

There for you loc­ally

Our fin­an­cing ex­perts are based re­gion­ally through­out Switzer­land and are very fa­mil­iar with the con­di­tions in their re­gion.

Com­pre­hens­ive ad­vice

In order to make your dreams come true, our ex­perts al­ways have all as­pects of your prop­erty fin­an­cing in view – if ne­ces­sary, with the aid of other fin­an­cial ex­perts.

Initial Financing

Ini­tial Fin­an­cing

Your fin­an­cing should fit your needs op­tim­ally and be af­ford­able over the long term. For this pur­pose, our ex­perts com­bine vari­ous mort­gages and in that way find the right model for you.

Learn more
Extend a Mortgage

Ex­tend a Mort­gage

Once your mort­gage or a tranche ex­pires, you have sev­eral op­tions. You can re­con­sider your mort­gage situ­ation if your in­come or other factors have changed. Or you can quickly and eas­ily ex­tend the mort­gage dir­ectly via your On­line Bank­ing ac­count.

Learn more
Switch to Credit Suisse

Switch to Credit Suisse

If your mort­gage at an­other bank is ex­pir­ing, take ad­vant­age of this op­por­tun­ity to re-​assess your mort­gage struc­ture and ob­tain at­tract­ive terms from Credit Suisse.

Learn more

3 Steps to Your Mort­gage

Your mort­gage should be af­ford­able over the long term and fit your needs op­tim­ally. To­gether with you, we’ll find a cus­tom­ized solu­tion for your needs.


Get in touch with us

Simply use the con­tact form on our web­site, call the mort­gage hot­line at 0848 880 844 or sched­ule an ap­point­ment at your branch with your re­la­tion­ship man­ager.


Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion with our fin­an­cing ex­perts

Once you’ve com­piled all of the rel­ev­ant doc­u­ments, we’ll come up with a cus­tom­ized fin­an­cing solu­tion, ap­praise the prop­erty and re­view your re­quest for its feas­ib­il­ity.


Get­ting your mort­gage

After you’ve signed the loan con­tract that we pre­pared, we’ll issue a prom­ise of pay­ment. Then you can choose a product and ob­tain the mort­gage.

Our Products in Com­par­ison

You’ve found the home or apart­ment of your dreams. We can offer you fin­an­cing solu­tions for the pur­chase of your own home that are tailored to your needs.

  • For­ward fix or Fix mort­gage

  • Adjustable-​rate mort­gage

  • Con­struc­tion loan