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Our Accounts and Cards

Our Ac­counts and Cards

Our ac­counts and cards have one main job, mak­ing your daily routine easier. That’s why we al­ways have the right ac­count and card for you, re­gard­less of your cur­rent life situ­ation.



CSX – the all-in-one banking service for every day

It's personal when you need it to be and digital when you want it to be.

  • Account & card starting from CHF 0
  • Credit cards with attractive benefits, such as cashback
  • Client service available online, by phone, or in person
Learn more
Viva Kids Banking Package

Viva Kids

Bank­ing for Chil­dren

Viva Kids is the free bank­ing pack­age from Credit Suisse guid­ing chil­dren under age 12 in their first steps to­wards fin­an­cial re­spons­ib­il­ity. With Viva Kids, you’ll re­ceive the di­gital money box Di­gipigi, the Di­gipigi apps, a private ac­count, and a sav­ings ac­count, as well as a Debit Mas­ter­card (op­tional, start­ing at age 7).  With the Viva Kids sav­ings ac­count, your child earns 5% in­terest on the first CHF 1,000.

Learn more
Viva Banking Packages

CSX Young

Bank­ing for every­one from 12 to 25 years of age

CSX Young is the free di­gital bank­ing of­fer­ing for every­one from 12 to 25 years of age. It has all the im­port­ant bank­ing ser­vices that you need every day – with everything in one single app. This in­cludes an ac­count and a Debit Mas­ter­card, which you can use for free with­draw­als at all ATMs in Switzer­land. You can also take ad­vant­age of at­tract­ive stream­ing op­tions and dis­counts on movie tick­ets.
Find out more about CSX Young
Credit Cards for Every Lifestyle

Credit Cards

Amer­ican Ex­press, Mas­ter­Card® or Visa Card

You can use our credit cards to make pur­chases con­veni­ently and se­curely any­where in the world and avoid the risk of loss as­so­ci­ated with cash. The handy con­tact­less func­tion makes daily pur­chases even faster and more con­veni­ent. In ad­di­tion, you’ll earn Bon­viva Re­wards Shop points each time you make a pur­chase using a Bon­viva credit card.

Learn more

Ac­count trans­fer ser­vice

We would be happy to help you trans­fer your bank­ing ser­vices to Credit Suisse.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Trans­fer of your ac­counts, cards, and pay­ment fa­cil­it­ies
  • No need for cor­res­pond­ence with the other banks – you can leave it all to us
  • Free for all private cli­ents of Credit Suisse (Switzer­land) Ltd. dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land

Account transfer service

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion or call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

*For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Pay on the go. Quickly and se­curely

Use your smart­phone or smart­watch to pay wherever the con­tact­less func­tion is avail­able.

This Might In­terest You

Other Top­ics. Cards and Bank Ac­counts