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 Credit Suisse TWINT

Credit Suisse TWINT

Thanks to Credit Suisse TWINT, the time-​consuming pro­cesses of en­ter­ing credit card data when you pay in on­line shops or la­bor­i­ously count­ing out coins at the check­out are his­tory. With Credit Suisse TWINT, mak­ing mo­bile pay­ments is con­veni­ent and se­cure. And trans­fer­ring money between friends is easy with Credit Suisse TWINT.

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Down­load Credit Suisse TWINT

How TWINT Works

Learn about everything our mo­bile pay­ments solu­tion for Switzer­land can do. Not only can you use Credit Suisse TWINT to pay at cash re­gisters, in on­line shops, at park­ing meters, ticket ma­chines, or un­at­ten­ded farm shops, but thanks to di­gital coupons and stamp cards, you can also be­ne­fit from a num­ber of perks and dis­counts. We will keep you reg­u­larly up­dated with de­tails of cur­rent of­fers and new ac­cept­ance points where you can pay without your wal­let via the Credit Suisse TWINT app.

Anchor: learn-more

Learn More about the Features of TWINT

Pay quickly and eas­ily in on­line shops. Send and re­quest money se­curely and con­veni­ently. It's no prob­lem with Credit Suisse TWINT. Plus, with Credit Suisse TWINT, in­teg­rated coupons and stamp cards give you ac­cess to spe­cial dis­counts from a wide vari­ety of part­ners.

  • Send­ing and re­quest­ing money

  • Pay­ing at the cash re­gister and in on­line shops

  • Park­ing

  • Store loy­alty cards di­git­ally

  • Di­gital coupons/stamp cards

  • TWINT+ value-​added ser­vices

Anchor: download-twint

Down­load Credit Suisse TWINT. Use Mo­bile Pay­ments.

Credit Suisse TWINT will guide you in­tu­it­ively through the re­gis­tra­tion pro­cess. It takes just a few steps to per­form the one-​time setup of Credit Suisse TWINT.

  1. Enter your cur­rent mo­bile phone num­ber.
  2. Enter the ac­tiv­a­tion code sent via text mes­sage to the mo­bile num­ber you provided.
  3. Af­ter­wards, you will be asked to enter a six-​digit PIN (your TWINT PIN) and, if de­sired, ac­tiv­ate the Touch ID (fin­ger­print) fea­ture on your device, if sup­por­ted.
  4. Now enter your login in­form­a­tion for Credit Suisse On­line Bank­ing. You are now in Credit Suisse's se­cure en­vir­on­ment.
  5. In this step, you will see the bank ac­counts that you can store on Credit Suisse TWINT. Se­lect the de­sired ac­count. That ac­count will be stored for use with all pay­ments and can also send and re­ceive money trans­fers.
  6. Now choose whether you wish to re­ceive third-​party of­fers and share your loc­a­tion so that Credit Suisse TWINT can no­tify you of ex­cit­ing of­fers and dis­counts at any time.

After com­plet­ing this one-​time re­gis­tra­tion, you will be able to open Credit Suisse TWINT quickly and eas­ily using your chosen TWINT PIN or Touch ID/Face ID.

Anchor: download

Down­load Credit Suisse TWINT

Your Benefits

  • Send money to friends and family, and request money from them quickly and easily.
  • Pay securely and conveniently – at cash registers, in online shops, at restaurants, in unattended farm shops, in apps, or at vending machines.
  • Only pay for the actual parking time.
  • Benefit from attractive TWINT offers, save loyalty cards, and automatically collect points when you pay.
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Anchor: features

New features in your TWINT app

  • Reset your TWINT PIN directly in the app (“Forgotten your TWINT PIN?”)
  • Personalize your P2P payments with a virtual and animated gift wrapping
  • New features in TWINT+

In order to be able to use the new functions, you must update the TWINT app on your smartphone.

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Everything You Need to Know about Credit Suisse TWINT

Key in­form­a­tion can be found in the an­swers to the most fre­quently asked ques­tions below. We'll also be happy to an­swer your ques­tions at our free 24h HELP-​Line at 0800 800 488*.

  • With which smart­phones does Credit Suisse TWINT work?

  • What types of ac­counts can be used for Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • What fees will I incur for using Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • What lim­its are there in Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • Can I also use TWINT to make a pay­ment out­side Switzer­land?

  • What func­tions does Credit Suisse TWINT have?

  • How do I send money to friends using Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • How do I re­quest money from friends using Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • What are the ad­vant­ages of using Credit Suisse TWINT to pay in on­line shops, and what's the pay­ment pro­cess?

  • How se­cure is Credit Suisse TWINT?

  • Where will my data be stored?

* For se­cur­ity reas­ons and train­ing pur­poses, tele­phone calls may be re­cor­ded. Stand­ard con­nec­tion rates apply (Swis­scom). Mo­bile phone and for­eign rates as well as the charges of other pro­viders may vary.

Anchor: benefits

For our busi­ness cli­ents – it's even easier to col­lect pay­ments

Do you op­er­ate a mar­ket stand, busi­ness, or un­at­ten­ded shop? Start­ing now, your cli­ents can pay autonom­ously without using cash. It's easy to do using a smart­phone and a sticker – the QR code sticker from TWINT.
Your be­ne­fits as a busi­ness cli­ent:

  • Easy setup with prac­tical stick­ers.
  • Col­lect pay­ments even at un­at­ten­ded points of sale.
  • No ex­pens­ive in­fra­struc­ture (pay­ment ter­minal) needed.
  • No count­ing or stor­ing cash.
  • Theft is im­possible: Pay­ments are cred­ited dir­ectly and se­curely to your ac­count.
  • QR code stick­ers avail­able for both fixed and vari­able amounts.