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Hypothek verlängern oder erhöhen

Extending or increasing your mortgage

You’d like to extend or increase your mortgage. Together, we’ll discuss your financial situation and life circumstances so that your mortgage remains affordable at all times.

Your opportunities as a client

Extend your mortgage

If your mortgage is reaching the end of its term, it’s best if you deal with an extension early on. Consider whether you'd like to extend without making any changes or want to make adjustments instead, for example, to benefit from falling interest rates.

Increasing your mortgage

You’re planning to make a structural change to your home or need additional financial resources for a necessary renovation? An increase can provide you with the needed latitude for this. Our financing experts will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice.

Reconfigure mortgage

Life circumstances are changing, and the interest rate environment is changing too. We’ll find the right mortgage strategy. Switch to a different mortgage model or split your mortgage into different products and terms.

Get comprehensive advice

You'd like to have a personal consultation about your extension or have more extensive plans that affect your mortgage. In this case, put aside more time in advance and let us advise you.

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Anchor: hypotheken-verlaengerung

Extending or increasing your mortgage:
Our financing offers

Plan with fixed interest rates

Plan with fixed interest rates

Our fixed-rate mortgages offer the greatest possible peace of mind: the Fixed mortgage and the Forward fixed mortgage. Both come with a guaranteed fixed interest rate and fixed term. With the Forward fixed mortgage, you lock in an interest rate for the future.

Flexible solutions

Flexible solutions

If flexibility is important to you, chose the Flex rollover mortgage and specify the term for each tranche during which interest rate adjustments cannot be made. Or choose full flexibility: with the variable-rate mortgage.

Ideal for your construction project

Ideal for your construction project

You'd like to start a construction project and need financing. Our construction loan gives you the freedom to pay your ongoing bills during the construction phase. When everything is completed, we convert your construction loan into a mortgage.