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Rental Deposit Savings Account

You have ren­ted a flat or a house and would like to make a rental de­posit eas­ily and con­veni­ently? We have the right solu­tion for you: the rental de­posit sav­ings ac­count.

Free ac­count open­ing and ac­count man­age­ment

Free ac­count state­ment with an­nual state­ment of in­terest

Land­lord claims se­cured

Ideal for ten­ants and land­lords

Nor­mally, a de­posit is due at the be­gin­ning of a ten­ancy. The rental de­posit ac­count is re­com­men­ded for this pur­pose. You open a sav­ings ac­count for rental de­pos­its and pledge it to your land­lord as rental se­cur­ity. If the ten­ancy is ter­min­ated by both parties, you will re­ceive the de­posit back as soon as the land­lord has given his ap­proval.

Open­ing a Rental de­posit sav­ings ac­count

You can open a Rental de­posit sav­ings ac­count on­line via the UBS open­ing portal.


  • Changes Rental De­posit Sav­ings Ac­count

  • Change of Ten­ant Rental De­posit Sav­ings Ac­count

  • Clos­ure Rental De­posit Sav­ings Ac­count

Didn't find what you were look­ing for?

For ques­tions re­gard­ing your rental de­posit ac­count, please con­tact us at the num­ber below. For ques­tions about other ac­counts and cards, you will find the right con­tact per­son at the top right under "Con­tact & Sup­port".

Allow Us to Advise You

*For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

This Might In­terest You

Credit Suisse of­fers you the bank ac­counts that meet your needs. Be it for daily pay­ment trans­ac­tions in Swiss francs or other cur­ren­cies, or to eas­ily and con­veni­ently reach your sav­ings tar­gets.