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Sav­ings Ac­count

Put some money aside. Our Sav­ings ac­count is a safe, easy way for you to save. Ac­count man­age­ment is ab­so­lutely free, and with our Cash Ser­vice card, you can de­posit cash at Credit Suisse ATMs at any time.

Easy and con­veni­ent sav­ing

No ac­count man­age­ment fees

Free Cash Ser­vice card

Our Sav­ings Ac­count

Our Savings Account


  • Ac­count man­age­ment is ab­so­lutely free.
  • An ad­min­is­tra­tion fee of CHF 10 will be charged per with­drawal, start­ing with the 13th with­drawal in one year.


CHF 50,000 p.a. There is also a three-​month no­tice period. Twelve free with­draw­als can be made per year from the Sav­ings ac­count (also known as a de­posit ac­count).


Free Cash Ser­vice card for de­pos­it­ing cash at Credit Suisse ATMs.

3 Steps to Your Sav­ings Ac­count

Do you already have an ac­count with Credit Suisse? Open your new sav­ings ac­count simply and con­veni­ently on­line.


Open On­line Bank­ing

Click the link “Apply in On­line Bank­ing” and log into your on­line bank­ing ac­count with your user ID and pass­word.


Sign up for ac­count

Under the product op­tions, se­lect “Ac­counts and Cards” and then the In­terest growth sav­ings ac­count. Then click “Apply now”.


Use ac­count

You will re­ceive your ac­count open­ing con­firm­a­tion in the mail. At that point, you’ll be free to use your new ac­count with Credit Suisse.

Our Sav­ings Solu­tions Side by Side

If you save, you’re think­ing ahead. We’ll give you sev­eral easy and con­veni­ent ways to pre­pare for the fu­ture. Dis­cover our sav­ings solu­tions. For adults. For young people. And for chil­dren. Choose se­cur­ity with our Sav­ings ac­counts or pur­sue at­tract­ive re­turns with our In­vest­ment fund sav­ings plans.

Sav­ings ac­count

  • Com­pet­it­ive in­terest rate
  • Easy and safe sav­ings vehicle
  • No ac­count man­age­ment fees
  • Cash Ser­vice card for de­pos­its and cash with­draw­als 

In­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan

  • Easy, sys­tem­atic wealth ac­cu­mu­la­tion
  • Long-​term re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies
  • Risk min­im­ized by reg­u­lar con­tri­bu­tions and broad di­ver­si­fic­a­tion
  • Buy or sell fund units at any time free of charge