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Structured Products

Struc­tured Products

You want more flex­ib­il­ity and op­tions than con­ven­tional in­vest­ment products provide. With struc­tured products, you can act on your mar­ket views. Ex­plore the risks and op­por­tun­it­ies with us.

Your Benefits

  • Invest in line with your market expectations
  • Flexible investment instrument
  • Small capital outlay

How Struc­tured Products Work

Struc­tured products bank on the oc­cur­rence of cer­tain mar­ket scen­arios. They are the per­fect com­ple­ment to stocks, bonds and mu­tual funds.

In­dir­ect in­vest­ment with fixed term to ma­tur­ity

Struc­tured products are in­vest­ment solu­tions that com­bine one or more un­der­ly­ing as­sets (e.g. shares, bonds, stock in­dexes) with a de­riv­at­ive com­pon­ent. They can be used to bank on dif­fer­ent mar­ket scen­arios. That way, you can earn a pos­it­ive re­turn even when the mar­kets trend side­ways. Credit Suisse of­fers vari­ous struc­tures with more than 500 un­der­ly­ing se­cur­it­ies.

 This enables you to successfully execute your own personal strategy.

This enables you to successfully execute your own personal strategy.

Cat­egor­ies of Struc­tured Products

There are three basic cat­egor­ies of struc­tured products. They let you ad­just risks and op­por­tun­it­ies until they line up with your pref­er­ences.

  • Par­ti­cip­a­tion products

  • Yield en­hance­ment products

  • Cap­ital pro­tec­tion products

Your Choice. Our Solu­tion

You want more flex­ib­il­ity than con­ven­tional in­vest­ments offer. With struc­tured products, you can put to­gether your own cus­tom­ized in­vest­ment. Our cli­ent ad­visors will help you se­lect the right struc­tures and un­der­ly­ings.

Learn about the Risks

Struc­tured products are se­cur­it­ies that offer big re­wards. How­ever, they carry risks, too. That makes it es­sen­tial for you to learn as much as you can about the vari­ous products.

  • Is­suer risk

  • Li­quid­ity risk

  • Mar­ket risk

  • Cur­rency risk