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Investing in Bonds

In­vest­ing in Bonds

Bonds are a good op­tion if you want reg­u­lar, stable in­come. Bonds are con­sidered de­fens­ive in­vest­ments be­cause they pay in­terest re­gard­less of the com­pany’s profits.

Your Benefits

  • Fixed term
  • Interest payments not tied to corporate profits
  • Can generally be sold before maturity

How Bonds Work

Stand­ard bonds are fixed-​income se­cur­it­ies is­sued whenever com­pan­ies, gov­ern­ments or banks want to bor­row money in the cap­ital mar­ket. The bonds state the amount to be re­paid, when it is due, how much in­terest in­vestors will re­ceive, and when. This type of se­cur­ity gen­er­ally has a fixed term dur­ing which you re­ceive fixed or vari­able in­terest pay­ments. In­vest­ment bonds do not carry any equity rights.

Dif­fer­ent in­terest rates

A bond’s in­terest rate, called a “coupon rate,” de­pends on mar­ket con­di­tions and the is­suer’s credit rat­ing. When mar­kets are li­quid with low bench­mark rates, solvent gov­ern­ments and com­pan­ies pay low coupons. Higher yields can be ob­tained with in­ter­na­tional in­vest­ments such as CHF hedged fixed-​income in­stru­ments.

Anchor: comparison
Bonds are a more defensive asset that can help diversify your portfolio.

Bonds are a more defensive asset that can help diversify your portfolio.

Dif­fer­ences between Bonds

Learn the fea­tures unique to each class of in­vest­ment bond and put their be­ne­fits to work for you.

  • Stand­ard bonds

  • Money mar­ket in­vest­ments

Anchor: risks

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation

In­crease Risk. Max­im­ize Yield

In­vest­ment bonds provide reg­u­lar in­come. You can earn fixed or vari­able in­terest dur­ing the bond term. The in­terest rate de­pends on factors such as cap­ital mar­ket con­di­tions and the is­suer’s credit rat­ing.

  • Po­ten­tial loss

  • In­terest rate risk

  • Is­suer and credit risk

  • Guar­antor risk

  • Li­quid­ity risk

  • For­eign ex­change risk

  • Con­cen­tra­tion risk

  • Money mar­ket credit risk

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation

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