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Invest in Shares

In­vest in Shares

As a share­holder, you par­ti­cip­ate in a com­pany’s suc­cess. You be­ne­fit from stock price in­creases. Many cor­por­a­tions also pay share­hold­ers a di­vidend from their net profit. You can earn more with shares than with sav­ings ac­counts over the long term, but they are also more volat­ile. We’ll show you how to sup­ple­ment your port­fo­lio with shares.

Un­der­stand­ing Shares

As a share­holder, you have rights in a com­pany in­clud­ing the right to vote, share in the profits and par­ti­cip­ate in stock splits. Shares – also known as stocks or equit­ies – gen­er­ally trade on the stock mar­ket. They are best used as long-​term in­vest­ments due to pos­sible price fluc­tu­ations.

Anchor: comparison
Understanding Shares

What You Need to Know about Shares

If you want to in­vest dir­ectly in a pub­licly traded com­pany, you should know the fol­low­ing words and their mean­ings.

  • Large caps vs. small caps

  • Di­vidends

  • Share cat­egor­ies

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation

Five Tips for Your In­vest­ment Strategy

Be real­istic about the likely re­turns. More re­turn gen­er­ally means higher risk. We’ll ex­plain what to con­sider when buy­ing shares and adding to your port­fo­lio.

  • 1. Spread your risk

  • 2. Be pa­tient

  • 3. Know your lim­its

  • 4. Stick to your strategy

  • 5. Be wary of hot tips

Avoid Risk

Shares hold the po­ten­tial for big re­turns over the long term, but they also pose risks and fol­low mar­ket ups and downs. It helps to care­fully di­ver­sify your port­fo­lio and avoid con­cen­tra­tion risks.

  • Po­ten­tial loss

  • Mar­ket risk

  • Credit risk

  • Li­quid­ity risk

  • For­eign ex­change risk

  • Con­cen­tra­tion risk

Sched­ule a Con­sulta­tion

We look for­ward to ad­vising you one-​on-one. For ques­tions and ap­point­ments, you can reach us dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours at this num­ber:

Schedule a Consultation

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