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More flexibility with Lombard

In exchange for a pledge of your liquid securities, such as equities, bonds or investment funds, you will receive a credit line that you can use flexibly at any time. You increase your liquidity and continue to benefit from your portfolio returns.

Increase the returns on your invested capital

Stick to your investment strategy despite a liquidity need

Improve the diversification of your investments

Receive liquidity to fulfill your wishes

How does a Lombard loan work?

Regardless of whether you value maximum flexibility or need additional capital for a certain amount of time, we offer the right solution for you. Find out which use type* best suits your needs.

  • Lombard loan in the form of current account credit

  • Lombard loan in the form of a fixed advance

  • Learn more about the (L)IBOR Benchmark Transition

* The Lombard limit  can also be used to cover bank guarantees or derivative transactions.

Three steps to your Lombard loan

Learn how to obtain and then flexibly manage your lombard loan.


Find out more now

Find out here about Lombard loans and the many ways in which they can be used.


Applying is easy

Apply for your Lombard loan online via Credit Suisse Direct, via your client advisor, or call our Customer Service Center at 0848 880 844.


Flexible financing

You receive a frame limit that allows you to benefit quickly from affordable liquidity for your future financing or investment needs without additional documentation.

* For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary.

Benefits and risks of a Lombard loan

Gain an overview of the main benefits and risks associated with Lombard business, and find out when a Lombard loan is possible.

  • Your benefits at a glance

  • A Lombard loan is suitable for you if...

  • Risks of a Lombard loan

Allow us to advise you

Would you like more information on our Lombard loan? Arrange a personal consultation, or contact our Customer Service Center. 


* For security reasons and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded. Standard connection rates apply (Swisscom). Mobile phone and foreign rates as well as the charges of other providers may vary. 

Your needs. Our offering.

Our services are designed to meet your needs. Select the service you want for your investments. We take care of the details.