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Cash Ser­vice Card

The Cash Ser­vice card ac­com­pan­ies your sav­ings ac­count: De­posit cash free of charge at all Credit Suisse Cash Auto­mat Plus ATMs. And with­draw cash from your sav­ings ac­count at any time of day or night.

Free cash with­draw­als*

*From your sav­ings ac­count at all Credit Suisse ATMs. Fees are charged start­ing with the 12th cash with­drawal in a year, whether done by card or elec­tronic funds trans­fer.

Free cash de­pos­its*

*At all Credit Suisse Cash Auto­mat Plus ATMs

Check ac­count in­form­a­tion

No an­nual fee

Your Cash Service Card

Credit Suisse Cash Service Card

Annual fee

Free with your sav­ings ac­count


De­pos­its and with­draw­als at Credit Suisse ATMs


Flex­ible per­sonal spend­ing lim­its: day/month 

You can block a lost or stolen Cash Ser­vice card 24 hours a day by call­ing 0800 800 488*.

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion or call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

*For se­cur­ity reas­ons and train­ing pur­poses, tele­phone calls may be re­cor­ded. Stand­ard con­nec­tion rates apply (Swis­scom). Mo­bile phone and for­eign rates as well as the charges of other pro­viders may vary. 

24/7 Access to Your Savings Account

24/7 Ac­cess to Your Sav­ings Ac­count

With a Cash Ser­vice card, you can ac­cess your sav­ings ac­count at all Credit Suisse Cash Auto­mat Plus ATMs for whatever you need, from with­draw­ing cash to mak­ing de­pos­its. You can also check your bal­ance and other ac­count in­form­a­tion. Feel free to set per­sonal daily and monthly lim­its that re­flect your spe­cific needs.

3 Steps to Your Cash Ser­vice Card

Order your debit card con­veni­ently and eas­ily on­line.


Com­plete the form

Please open an ac­count first. Click on “Order now” and se­lect a sav­ings ac­count or bank­ing pack­age. Enter your con­tact data and let us know when we can reach you. Sub­mit the on­line form.


Get a call back

You’ll re­ceive a call from us at the de­sired time. We’ll re­solve all open ques­tions with you by phone and dis­cuss the next steps.


Use the card

After we’ve opened your ac­count, you’ll re­ceive your bank card in the mail.

Great Products for You


Used worldwide

Used world­wide

You can pay se­curely and with­draw cash in many coun­tries with the Debit Mas­ter­card. You re­ceive a Debit Mas­ter­card with a trans­ac­tion ac­count.

Our savings account

Our sav­ings ac­count

A sav­ings ac­count is the per­fect com­ple­ment to a private ac­count.
Use the Cash Ser­vice card for with­draw­als and de­pos­its to your sav­ings ac­count.