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Maes­tro Card

The Credit Suisse Maes­tro card en­ables you to make fast, con­veni­ent con­tact­less pay­ments world­wide – without using your PIN for amounts up to CHF 80. It’s much easier than cash, since the te­di­ous hand­ling of change is no longer ne­ces­sary. 

New Debit Mas­ter­card avail­able from
July 7, 2020.

Make con­tact­less pay­ments under CHF 80 without a PIN

Cash­less pay­ments and cash with­drawal world­wide

Avail­able for trans­ac­tion ac­counts in CHF, EUR, USD, and GBP

Your Maestro Card

Credit Suisse Maestro Card


Ac­cep­ted at more than 16 mil­lion busi­nesses, ho­tels, and res­taur­ants world­wide.
Cash with­draw­als in Switzer­land and abroad at more than 2 mil­lion ATMs.
Ac­count in­form­a­tion and cash de­pos­its at Credit Suisse ATMs.


Easier than cash. Pay using the con­tact­less func­tion – up to CHF 80 without a PIN. Con­trol spend­ing through dir­ect deb­it­ing of your ac­count.


Chip and PIN guar­an­tee max­imum se­cur­ity. De­fault and in­di­vidu­ally ad­justable geo-​blocking pro­tects against skim­ming.

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion or call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

**For se­cur­ity reas­ons and train­ing pur­poses, tele­phone calls may be re­cor­ded. Stand­ard con­nec­tion rates apply (Swis­scom). Mo­bile phone and for­eign rates as well as the charges of other pro­viders may vary. 

Make daily life easier

Make Daily Life Easier

At the gour­met food shop, the gas sta­tion, or the boutique. Pay with your Maes­tro card.

It’s ac­cep­ted at more than 16 mil­lion busi­nesses, ho­tels, and res­taur­ants world­wide. No more both­er­some count­ing out of money. Plus you al­ways have con­trol over your spend­ing, since your ac­count is dir­ectly deb­ited. And with the PIN and chip, you’ll enjoy max­imum pro­tec­tion.

Pay in just seconds

Pay in Just Seconds

We often need to pay small amounts. A pack of gum at the con­veni­ence store or a sand­wich from the deli. With your Maes­tro card, you can make these pay­ments very quickly using the con­tact­less func­tion – no PIN re­quired for amounts up to CHF 80. Verify the amount to be paid, then hold your debit card up to the spot marked on the card reader. The amount is then paid. Higher amounts can also be paid using the con­tact­less func­tion with PIN.

Learn more (PDF)
More convenience with cardless cash

More Con­veni­ence. With Card­less Cash

With Card­less Cash, you can make cash with­draw­als and de­pos­its without a card. At nu­mer­ous Credit Suisse ATMs. Use the Credit Suisse Private Bank­ing Switzer­land app to gen­er­ate a QR code, which you can store in your smart­phone, print out, or send to someone else. You then can make the with­drawal or de­posit at an ATM with a QR code reader.

PDF Cardless Cash

3 Steps to Your Maes­tro Card

Order your Maes­tro card for your ex­ist­ing Credit Suisse ac­count using our on­line form. If you are a new cli­ent, please open an ac­count first. 


Com­plete the form

Please open an ac­count first. Click on “Order now” and se­lect an ac­count or bank­ing pack­age. Enter your con­tact data and let us know when we can reach you. Sub­mit the on­line form.


Get a call back

You’ll re­ceive a call from us at the de­sired time. We’ll re­solve all open ques­tions with you by phone and dis­cuss the next steps.


Use the card

After we’ve opened your ac­count, you’ll re­ceive your Maes­tro card in the mail.

Se­cure Be­ne­fits. Find out More Now