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Mer­ger of Pen­sion Found­a­tions

Mer­ger of the CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 Pen­sion Found­a­tion with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG

The CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 Pen­sion Found­a­tion merged with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG in Decem­ber 2024. As a res­ult, the CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 Pen­sion Found­a­tion was dis­solved and de­leted from the com­mer­cial re­gister. The mer­ger will give all ac­count hold­ers equal ac­cess to UBS’s wide range of private pen­sion pro­vi­sion ser­vices. Pro­tect­ing the in­terests of our cli­ents and their trust in the pen­sion found­a­tions is our top pri­or­ity.

The main points in a nutshell

What changes to the regulations can I expect as an account holder with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIVILEGIA Pillar 3 pension foundation? When will the new regulations of the Fisca Pension Fund Foundation of UBS AG apply?

  • Transitioning to the regulations of the Fisca Pension Fund Foundation of UBS AG as part of the transfer of your pension relationship will not result in any noticeable changes for account holders with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIVILEGIA Pillar 3 pension foundation.
  • The regulations of the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIVILEGIA Pillar 3 pension foundation and the Fisca Pension Fund Foundation of UBS AG follow the statutory provisions and their key messages are largely similar.

What will happen to my Credit Suisse investment groups (CSA Mixta-BVG) / my pillar 3 securities pension plan?

  • Nothing will change for your Credit Suisse investment groups (CSA Mixta-BVG). Existing investment groups will be transferred to UBS during the migration of your pension relationship and do not need to be sold.
  • Following completion of the merger at the end of 2024, you can continue to invest in Credit Suisse investment groups (CSA Mixta-BVG) for the time being – either via the Credit Suisse 3a pension plan or through individual investments.
  • Following the migration of your pension relationship, new investments in Credit Suisse investment groups (CSA Mixta-BVG) will only be possible via an existing Credit Suisse 3a pension plan. Individual investments in Credit Suisse investment groups (CSA Mixta-BVG) and the creation of a new Credit Suisse 3a pension plan will no longer be possible. Instead, UBS Vitainvest investment funds will be available.

Fre­quently asked ques­tions


As a Credit Suisse ac­count holder, what will change for me as a res­ult of the mer­ger of the CREDIT SUISSE VILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG? Do I need to do any­thing?

  • Fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024, the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG, with its re­gistered of­fice in Zurich, be­came the legal con­tract­ing party of all ac­count hold­ers.
  • Credit Suisse ac­count hold­ers do not need to do any­thing as a res­ult of the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024.
  • The next mile­stone is the trans­fer of your Credit Suisse pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products to the UBS sys­tems. This step will mostly take place in 2025.

As a Credit Suisse ac­count holder, will there be any changes to my Credit Suisse pen­sion products?

  • Credit Suisse pen­sion products and ser­vices will re­main un­changed and will con­tinue to be avail­able until the mi­gra­tion of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products.
  • The over­arch­ing goal of our plan­ning and ap­proach is to make the trans­ition as smooth as pos­sible for you. We will com­mu­nic­ate the next steps promptly and trans­par­ently.

When can I ex­pect the trans­fer of my Credit Suisse pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products to be com­pleted? When will I re­ceive fur­ther in­form­a­tion?

  • The trans­fer of your Credit Suisse pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products will mostly take place in 2025 – we will com­mu­nic­ate in a timely and trans­par­ent man­ner.

Will I have a new con­tact per­son fol­low­ing the legal mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024?

  • Fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024, con­tact per­sons will ini­tially re­main un­changed.
  • How­ever, with the mi­gra­tion of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, your con­tact per­sons may change – as al­ways, we will in­form you of this promptly and trans­par­ently.

What will hap­pen to my pending pay­ment re­quests or other out­stand­ing busi­ness trans­ac­tions fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024?

  • Pending pay­ment re­quests and other out­stand­ing busi­ness trans­ac­tions re­main in place and will be pro­cessed as usual.

Why do the Credit Suisse reg­u­la­tions con­tinue to apply to me as a Credit Suisse ac­count holder, des­pite the mer­ger of the CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG?

  • For tech­nical reas­ons, the pro­cesses, forms and reg­u­la­tions of the CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion will re­main valid until the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products is com­pleted.
  • As soon as your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products have been mi­grated, the pro­cesses, forms and reg­u­la­tions of the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG will apply.

What changes to the reg­u­la­tions can be ex­pec­ted for CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion ac­count hold­ers?

  • Trans­ition­ing to the reg­u­la­tions of the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG as part of the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship will not res­ult in any no­tice­able changes for ac­count hold­ers with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion.
  • The reg­u­la­tions of the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion and the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG fol­low the stat­utory pro­vi­sions and their key mes­sages are largely sim­ilar.


Will I be is­sued a new ac­count num­ber by the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG for my ex­ist­ing 3a pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion?

  • Yes, as part of the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, all ac­count hold­ers with the former CREDIT SUISSE Pen­sion Found­a­tion Pil­lar 3 will be is­sued a new UBS Fisca 3a num­ber.

I already have a 3a pen­sion ac­count with both the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion and a UBS Fisca 3a with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG. Will these be con­sol­id­ated dur­ing the trans­fer of my Credit Suisse pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products?

  • No, your sep­ar­ate 3a pen­sion ac­counts will not be merged. Fol­low­ing the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, a new UBS Fisca 3a with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG will be opened for your ex­ist­ing 3a pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion.

Can I use the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG forms to pay out my 3a re­tire­ment sav­ings from the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion?

  • No, this is not pos­sible until the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products is com­pleted. Until then, the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion forms must be used and sub­mit­ted to the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion.

As a Credit Suisse ac­count holder, why do I con­tinue to re­ceive doc­u­ments from the CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG?

  • For tech­nical reas­ons, the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion will con­tinue to send your cli­ent doc­u­ments until the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products is com­pleted.
  • Fol­low­ing the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, the doc­u­ments will be sent by the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG.


What hap­pens if money is paid into my 3a pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024? Will the amount be cred­ited?

  • After com­ple­tion of the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024, in­com­ing pay­ments will ini­tially con­tinue to be cred­ited to your 3a pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion.
  • After the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, pay­ments to the ac­count num­ber of your pre­vi­ous pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion will be for­war­ded to your new UBS Fisca 3a with the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG dur­ing a trans­itional period.
  • If you use pay­ments or stand­ing or­ders from other banks to de­posit into your UBS Fisca 3a, the trans­fer de­tails must be ad­jus­ted to the col­lect­ive ac­count of the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG.
    Please al­ways enter the be­ne­fi­ciary UBS Fisca 3a num­ber and the first and last name of the ac­count holder in the pay­ment pur­pose. The re­quired pay­ment de­tails are as fol­lows:
    • Re­cip­i­ent: Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG, 8098 Zurich
    • Credit ac­count (IBAN): CH20 0023 0230 2480 3096 F
    • Pay­ment pur­pose: “Your UBS Fisca 3a num­ber” / “first and last name of the UBS Fisca 3a holder” (e.g., F3xxxxxxxx / John Doe)
  • We will com­mu­nic­ate your new UBS Fisca 3a num­ber to you in good time as part of the over­all trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, which will mostly take place in 2025.

What will hap­pen to my Credit Suisse stand­ing or­ders to my ex­ist­ing 3a pen­sion ac­count with the former CREDIT SUISSE PRIV­ILE­GIA Pil­lar 3 pen­sion found­a­tion?

  • Ex­ist­ing Credit Suisse stand­ing or­ders for pen­sions will be taken over and will con­tinue to run as usual. Fol­low­ing the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products, your stand­ing order for pen­sions will be deb­ited from your new UBS ac­count and cred­ited to your new UBS Fisca 3a.
  • Pending pay­ments that have already been deb­ited from your Credit Suisse ac­count and cred­ited to your Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion ac­count and are still out­stand­ing will also be trans­ferred.
  • Stand­ing or­ders for pen­sions or pending in­di­vidual pay­ments from third-​party in­sti­tu­tions to your pre­vi­ous 3a pen­sion ac­count, which will now be man­aged by the Fisca Pen­sion Fund Found­a­tion of UBS AG, must be ad­jus­ted.

What will hap­pen to my pending pay­ment re­quests or other out­stand­ing busi­ness trans­ac­tions fol­low­ing the mer­ger of the pen­sion found­a­tions at the end of 2024?

  • Pending pay­ment re­quests and other out­stand­ing busi­ness trans­ac­tions re­main in place and will be pro­cessed as usual.


What will hap­pen to my Credit Suisse in­vest­ment groups (CSA Mixta-​BVG) / my pil­lar 3 se­cur­it­ies pen­sion plan?

  • Noth­ing will change for your Credit Suisse in­vest­ment groups (CSA Mixta-​BVG). Ex­ist­ing in­vest­ment groups will be trans­ferred to UBS dur­ing the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products and do not need to be sold.
  • Fol­low­ing the mer­ger at the end of 2024, you can con­tinue to in­vest in Credit Suisse in­vest­ment groups (CSA Mixta-​BVG) for the time being – either via the Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion plan or through in­di­vidual in­vest­ments.
  • Once the mi­gra­tion of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products has been com­pleted, new in­vest­ments in Credit Suisse in­vest­ment groups (CSA Mixta-​BVG) will only be pos­sible via an ex­ist­ing Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion plan. In­di­vidual in­vest­ments in Credit Suisse in­vest­ment groups (CSA Mixta-​BVG) and the cre­ation of a new Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion plan will no longer be pos­sible. In­stead, UBS Vitain­vest in­vest­ment funds will be avail­able.

Can I make changes to my ex­ist­ing Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion plan?

  • You can make changes to your Credit Suisse 3a pen­sion plan until the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products is com­pleted. After that, your 3a pen­sion plan will be taken over by UBS and no fur­ther changes can be made.
  • Changes after the trans­fer of your pen­sion re­la­tion­ship and products must be made by open­ing a new 3a pen­sion plan. UBS’s pen­sion of­fer­ing is avail­able for this pur­pose.


Do you have any fur­ther ques­tions?

Please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact your cli­ent ad­visor or call us dir­ectly at 0848 880 844.



Be aware of fraud­sters!

We are cur­rently wit­ness­ing an in­crease in at­tempts at fraud. Be care­ful when re­ceiv­ing un­so­li­cited in­quir­ies by e-​mail, text or phone. If in doubt, please con­tact your Credit Suisse ad­visor or con­tact Credit Suisse by tele­phone on 0848 880 844.