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Real estate planning for your retirement

Real estate planning for your retirement

Whether you plan to relocate, refinance, or renovate after retiring, we’ll advise you on your options and help you get started.

Finance Your Own Home

Fin­ance Your Own Home

It may make sense to buy prop­erty for re­tire­ment. If the pur­chase is fin­anced, cer­tain things will have to be con­sidered. The fin­an­cing should still be af­ford­able after you re­tire. We'll ad­vise you.

Ren­ov­ate or Mod­ern­ize

Once you re­tire, you may want to mod­ern­ize your home. Per­haps the room lay­out no longer meets your needs. Or per­haps you already want to make it ac­cess­ible. If you re­quire fin­an­cing for your al­ter­a­tions, we’d be happy to ad­vise you.

Renovate or Modernize
Repay a Mortgage

Repay a Mort­gage

It may make sense to pay off your mort­gage more slowly so you have more li­quid as­sets in re­tire­ment. In­suf­fi­cient li­quid­ity can force you to make fin­an­cial con­ces­sions be­cause you have too much money tied up in prop­erty and not enough in read­ily ac­cess­ible as­sets. Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion.

Sell Real Es­tate

You've lived in your home for many won­der­ful years. Now you want a change. We'll dis­cuss what to con­sider when selling your prop­erty and what to do with the sales pro­ceeds so that your new liv­ing situ­ation re­flects your hopes and ex­pect­a­tions.

Sell Real Estate
Change of Residence

Change of Res­id­ence

If you want to sell your home – per­haps to move from a house to an apart­ment – we'll be at your side. Plan your re­place­ment home pur­chase with us.

Go to a dif­fer­ent fin­an­cial plan­ning topic

Your Is­sues

Our ad­vice – as dis­tinct­ive as your needs. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you. Se­lect a topic and ar­range a con­sulta­tion.

Your Issues

Other Life Stages