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Tax Con­sult­ing

Many things in life have an im­pact on tax. The sooner you spot them, the easier it is to in­clude them in your de­cisions. We’ll show you tax sav­ings, ana­lyze your plans and ex­plain how un­usual events af­fect your tax bill. 

Our Ad­vis­ory Areas

You’re a private in­di­vidual, busi­ness owner, em­ployee or re­tiree with ques­tions about your taxes – we will give you sound fiscal ad­vice.

  • In­come and wealth tax

  • Land prop­er­ties

  • Expenditure-​based tax

  • Ne­go­ti­ations with tax au­thor­it­ies

  • In­her­it­ance and gift taxes

  • (Penalty-​free) vol­un­tary de­clar­a­tions

Your Ques­tions. Our An­swers

We can help find an­swers to your ques­tions in the fol­low­ing areas.


Can I op­tim­ize my as­sets and li­ab­il­it­ies from a tax point of view?


What is my pen­sion situ­ation with re­spect to taxes?

Our Tax Ser­vices

We will ana­lyze your tax situ­ation, identify pos­sible sav­ings and help you take ac­tion. Under a tax ad­vice man­date, we will handle the fol­low­ing for you:

Pre­par­ing tax re­turns

Our tax ex­perts will pre­pare your tax re­turns, but only if our tax ad­vice dir­ectly af­fects the sub­stance of your tax re­turn.

Re­claim­ing taxes at source

We will pre­pare the forms needed to re­claim for­eign taxes at source. 

More Con­sult­ing Ser­vices

Life is chal­len­ging enough. Get in­formed fin­an­cial ad­vice from our ex­perts and rely on our cus­tom­ized plans.