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Asset planning for retirement planners

Make the most of your wealth dur­ing re­tire­ment

Now that re­tire­ment is near, you’ll want to op­tim­ize how you fund your post work-​life plans. We’ll help you plan wisely, save in taxes, and enjoy your golden years in style.

Enjoy Your Wealth

You’ve built up sav­ings in the course of your ca­reer. Now you want to pur­sue a few of your dreams. We’ll show you how to use your wealth to make things hap­pen. That way, you can enjoy the re­tire­ment you’ve al­ways wanted. Trust our ex­pert­ise.

Enjoy Your Wealth

Save on Taxes

Some is­sues re­lated to re­tire­ment have tax im­plic­a­tions. The sooner you start your ana­lysis, the easier it will be to use the find­ings to op­tim­ize your tax situ­ation.

Learn more

It pays to save for retirement. It can lower your taxes, too. Contributions to a Pillar 3a pension plan are fully tax deductible. Learn about your options and gain the full benefits of this tax break.

Change of res­id­ence

Once you re­tire, you may want to move into a home that’s smal­ler, closer to your chil­dren or near where you grew up. Re­mem­ber that taxes vary from one can­ton and coun­try to the next. Ask us for ad­vice.


Even in re­tire­ment, some costs and fin­an­cial ob­lig­a­tions have big tax im­plic­a­tions. Edu­cate your­self in ad­vance and seize every op­por­tun­ity to op­tim­ize your tax­able in­come. We’ll ad­vise you on all this and more.

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Your Is­sues

Our ad­vice – as dis­tinct­ive as your needs. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you. Se­lect a topic and ar­range a con­sulta­tion.

Your Issues

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