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Buying and financing a home

Buying and financing a home

Buying or selling a home? Refinancing or renovating property? We’ll help you plan your next big move.

Finance Your Own Home

Fin­ance Your Own Home

When you buy a home, you gen­er­ally make a down pay­ment to cover part of the pur­chase price and take out a mort­gage for the rest. It’s im­port­ant for this long-​term fin­an­cial ob­lig­a­tion to be af­ford­able. We’ll work out the ideal fin­an­cing plan with you.

Renovate or Modernize

Ren­ov­ate or Mod­ern­ize

Con­vert or ren­ov­ate? They’re both hot trends. The secret to a suc­cess­ful mod­ern­iz­a­tion con­sists of three steps. First, list what you want to ren­ov­ate. Then, find out how much the work will cost. Fi­nally, work out the fin­an­cing. Ar­chi­tects and con­struc­tion ad­visors will help you with the plan­ning. Ap­praisers will as­sess the value of your prop­erty after renov­at­ing.

Repay a Mortgage

Repay a Mort­gage

These days, there’s much less pres­sure to pay off debt quickly than there used to be. The reason? In­terest rates are cur­rently low. How­ever, they will likely rise in the fore­see­able fu­ture. That means you should con­sider how much you’re pay­ing to bor­row money and how much you could earn by in­vest­ing your cap­ital. Ask us for de­tails – we’ll be happy to tell you more.

Sell Real Estate

Sell Real Es­tate

Selling your house or apart­ment is a major life event. It often in­volves a lot of money. You should think care­fully about the best way to in­vest the sales pro­ceeds and pos­sibly pay off any out­stand­ing mort­gages, for ex­ample. Con­tact us for a con­sulta­tion.

Change of Residence

Change of Res­id­ence

Mov­ing isn’t just a big life change; it has tax im­plic­a­tions as well. Tax laws vary from one can­ton to the next. Your res­id­ence for tax pur­poses is the place where you have made a life for your­self and reside with your fam­ily. Talk to us be­fore you change res­id­ences. We’ll be happy to ad­vise you.

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Our ad­vice – as dis­tinct­ive as your needs. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you. Se­lect a topic and ar­range a con­sulta­tion.

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