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Plan for your family’s financial future

Plan for your family’s financial future

When it comes to paying for your children’s education and other expenses, a financial plan is invaluable. We’ll advise you on the best way to provide for your family. Now and in the future.

Start a Fam­ily

You’ve made a mark in your pro­fes­sion and notched up ser­i­ous ac­com­plish­ments. But your pri­or­it­ies are shift­ing. You’re now think­ing about hav­ing chil­dren and a fam­ily. With our fin­an­cial ad­vice, we’ll help you pre­pare prop­erly for this stage in life.

Start a Family
Provide for Your Family

Provide for Your Fam­ily

Your fam­ily is the most im­port­ant thing in your life. But since life is full of sur­pris­ing twists and turns, you have to think ahead. Make pre­par­a­tions in the event that you can no longer sup­port your fam­ily. We’ll help you set up ap­pro­pri­ate pen­sion and in­sur­ance plans and en­sure your fam­ily is provided for – no mat­ter what hap­pens.

Pay for Your Child’s Education

Pay for Your Child’s Edu­ca­tion

Like any par­ent, you only want the best for your chil­dren. Es­pe­cially in terms of their edu­ca­tion. We’ll ex­plain how you can help your chil­dren enter the pro­fes­sion of their choice.

Cohabitation or Marriage

Co­hab­it­a­tion or Mar­riage?

Mar­riage or co­hab­it­a­tion? It’s not just a per­sonal pref­er­ence. It af­fects your fin­an­cial situ­ation, too. For ex­ample, co­hab­it­ing part­ners file tax re­turns in­di­vidu­ally. Also, the law doesn’t cover in­her­ited prop­erty or al­i­mony claims fol­low­ing sep­ar­a­tion. If you’re not mar­ried, it may be wise to con­sider draw­ing up a writ­ten con­tract with your part­ner.

Plan Your Es­tate

With an in­her­it­ance con­sulta­tion, you can rest easy know­ing your es­tate will be ad­min­istered the way you want. Con­tact us to clear up un­answered ques­tions.

Will & inheritance contract

We’ll help you en­sure that your es­tate’s dis­pos­i­tion re­flects your wishes and com­plies with all the legal re­quire­ments.

Go to a dif­fer­ent fin­an­cial plan­ning topic

Your Is­sues

Our ad­vice – as dis­tinct­ive as your needs. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you. Se­lect a topic and ar­range a con­sulta­tion.

Your Issues

Other Life Stages