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Gift Savings Account

Gift Sav­ings Ac­count

With a sav­ings ac­count gift, you can give a child a fin­an­cial jump start for a care­free start in life – as a safety cush­ion or a con­tri­bu­tion to­ward a trip. You can even com­bine the Gift sav­ings ac­count with a Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan in order to en­hance the earn­ings on the Gift sav­ings ac­count.

Pref­er­en­tial in­terest rate

No ac­count man­age­ment fees

Easy wealth ac­cu­mu­la­tion

Per­sonal gift cer­ti­fic­ate

Our Gift Sav­ings Ac­count

Our Gift Savings Account


After the re­cip­i­ent reaches 18 years of age, the Gift sav­ings ac­count is auto­mat­ic­ally con­ver­ted into a reg­u­lar Sav­ings ac­count on Janu­ary 1 of the fol­low­ing year. From then on, the terms and con­di­tions for the Sav­ings ac­count apply.


CHF 50,000 p.a. There is also a three-​month no­tice period.


Free Cash Ser­vice card for de­pos­it­ing cash at all Credit Suisse ATMs.

Your Personal Gift Certificate

Your Per­sonal Gift Cer­ti­fic­ate

With our Gift sav­ings ac­count, you’ll re­ceive a per­sonal cer­ti­fic­ate that you can present to the re­cip­i­ent on their 18th birth­day. The re­cip­i­ent, after show­ing the gift cer­ti­fic­ate, can then with­draw the bal­ance of the Gift sav­ings ac­count and use it as they see fit.

3 Steps to Your Gift Sav­ings Ac­count

Open the Gift sav­ings ac­count eas­ily and con­veni­ently with our on­line form.


Com­plete form

Open the on­line “Order now” form and se­lect the Gift sav­ings ac­count. Enter your name and ad­dress and tell us when we can call you. Sub­mit the on­line form.


Get a call back

You’ll re­ceive a call from us at your pre­ferred time. We’ll clear up any re­main­ing ques­tions with you on the phone and dis­cuss what hap­pens next. We’ll then open the Gift sav­ings ac­count for you.


Use ac­count

You’ll re­ceive your ac­count open­ing con­firm­a­tion in the mail. Once you’ve signed the doc­u­ments and re­turned them to us, you’ll be able to use your new ac­count with Credit Suisse.

Give a Child a Future

Give a Child a Fu­ture

Give a child a fin­an­cial leg up in life. With a sav­ings ac­count gift, you’ll give them the tools to get a care­free start on their fu­ture.

For Special Occasions

For Spe­cial Oc­ca­sions

Give a child a gift that truly keeps on giv­ing. For a birth­day, Christ­mas or gradu­ation. On the re­cip­i­ent’s 18th birth­day, you’ll re­ceive a per­sonal cer­ti­fic­ate. After present­ing the cer­ti­fic­ate, the re­cip­i­ent can then with­draw the bal­ance of the Gift sav­ings ac­count and use it as they see fit.

Financial Jump Start

Fin­an­cial Jump Start

Help a young per­son ac­quire the tools to tackle adult­hood. With a sav­ings ac­count gift, you can help pay for a train­ing pro­gram, col­lege de­gree, driver’s li­cense or car. Be­ne­fit from no ac­count man­age­ment fees. And with our free Cash Ser­vice card, you can de­posit money whenever you want.

Combine with Gift Investment Fund Savings Plan

Com­bine with Gift In­vest­ment Fund Sav­ings Plan

En­hance the earn­ings on your Gift sav­ings ac­count.
Com­bine the Gift sav­ings ac­count with a Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan. Take the op­por­tun­ity to earn more than the pref­er­en­tial in­terest rate paid on the Gift sav­ings ac­count. With our Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan, you’ll har­ness the power of securities-​based sav­ing and build wealth simply and eas­ily in fa­vor­able mar­kets.

To the Gift investment fund savings plan

Gift Sav­ings Solu­tions Side by Side

The choice is yours. Pick a Gift sav­ings ac­count with a pref­er­en­tial in­terest rate or the Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan with at­tract­ive long-​term re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies. Or com­bine the two to en­hance the earn­ings on the Gift sav­ings ac­count.

Gift sav­ings ac­count

  • Pref­er­en­tial in­terest rate until the re­cip­i­ent’s 18th birth­day
  • No ac­count man­age­ment fees
  • Easy wealth ac­cu­mu­la­tion
  • Per­sonal gift cer­ti­fic­ate


Gift in­vest­ment fund sav­ings plan

  • Sys­tem­atic wealth ac­cu­mu­la­tion with se­cur­it­ies
  • At­tract­ive re­turn op­por­tun­it­ies
  • Low risk
  • Tailor the peri­odic in­vest­ments to your needs
  • Buy or sell fund units at any time free of charge