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Credit Suisse World Mastercard Standard

Credit Suisse World Mas­ter­card® Stand­ard

With the Credit Suisse World Mas­ter­card® Stand­ard*, you'll have a con­veni­ent means of pay­ment at your dis­posal. Make cash­less pay­ments con­veni­ently at many ac­cept­ance points world­wide and when shop­ping on­line.   

*Credit cards is­sued by Swis­s­card AECS GmbH


No ex­change rate risk

Ac­cep­ted world­wide

At­tract­ive an­nual spend­ing bonus

In­stall­ment fa­cil­ity avail­able

Credit Suisse World Mastercard® Standard

Credit Suisse World Mastercard Standard


1 Credit Suisse World Mas­ter­card® Stand­ard card


Travel ac­ci­dent in­sur­ance

Further Benefits

If total an­nual pur­chases ex­ceed CHF 10,000, 100% dis­count on the an­nual fee for the fol­low­ing year

Convenient – at Home and on Trips

Con­veni­ent – at Home and on Trips

Low cost and at­tract­ive. With the Credit Suisse World Mas­ter­card® Stand­ard, you’ll enjoy all the ad­vant­ages of a credit card with nu­mer­ous be­ne­fits. Pay eas­ily and con­veni­ently any­where in the world: at around 44 mil­lion ac­cept­ance points in 200 coun­tries and re­gions. You can also with­draw cash at two mil­lion ATMs world­wide.

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion or call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

** For se­cur­ity reas­ons and train­ing pur­poses, tele­phone calls may be re­cor­ded. Stand­ard con­nec­tion rates apply (Swis­scom). Mo­bile phone and for­eign rates as well as the charges of other pro­viders may vary. 

Credit Card with Contactless Function

Credit Card with Con­tact­less Func­tion

Pay con­tact­lessly with your Credit Suisse World Mas­ter­card® Stand­ard – it's easy, fast and se­cure. For small amounts up to CHF 80, you can pay without sig­na­ture or PIN entry. Just hold your credit card to the area marked on the card reader to con­veni­ently pay in busi­nesses.

Pay on the go. Quickly and se­curely

Use your smart­phone or smart­watch to pay wherever the con­tact­less func­tion is avail­able.

Our Cards. Your Choice