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Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold

The Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold Card* en­hances your per­sonal mo­ments of hap­pi­ness with at­tract­ive be­ne­fits for every­day life or when trav­el­ing.

* Credit cards, is­sued by Swis­s­card AECS GmbH


Avail­able in CHF

Mem­ber­ship Re­wards® Pro­gram

At­tract­ive travel and life­style be­ne­fits

Travel and shop­ping in­sur­ance

American Express® Gold Card

Your American Express Gold Card


1 Gold card prin­cipal card


Trans­port Ac­ci­dent In­sur­ance
Travel In­con­veni­ence In­sur­ance in the Event of Delayed De­par­ture or Flight Can­cel­la­tions
Health In­sur­ance for Travel Abroad
Shop­ping In­sur­ance
Re­turn Pro­tec­tion In­sur­ance
Ex­ten­ded guar­an­tee

Further benefits

Mem­ber­ship Re­wards® pro­gram
Pri­or­ity Pass in­clud­ing two free ad­mis­sions per year
Dis­count on car rental book­ings at Rent­
An­nual cred­its for pur­chases at shop­ping part­ners
Quarterly cred­its for food and drink at nu­mer­ous res­taur­ants and from de­liv­ery ser­vices within Switzer­land

Choose Gold. Lock in Benefits

Choose Gold. Lock in Be­ne­fits

Enjoy fin­an­cial flex­ib­il­ity with an Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold Card. Cli­ents be­ne­fit from a wide range of ser­vices as well.

Allow Us to Ad­vise You

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our ac­counts and cards? Then ar­range a per­sonal con­sulta­tion or call our Cus­tomer Ser­vice Cen­ter.

Allow Us to Advise You

** For se­cur­ity reas­ons and train­ing pur­poses, tele­phone calls may be re­cor­ded. Stand­ard con­nec­tion rates apply (Swis­scom). Mo­bile phone and for­eign rates as well as the charges of other pro­viders may vary. 

Your Lifestyle. Our Service

Your Life­style. Your jour­ney.

You travel for busi­ness and leis­ure and need a credit card that suits your life.

Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold is ac­cep­ted world­wide. Get ac­cess to more than 1,300 air­port lounges in over 148 coun­tries, in­clud­ing two flex­ible free ad­mis­sions per year. Take ad­vant­age of at­tract­ive dis­counts on your rental car dur­ing your va­ca­tion at Rent­

Membership Rewards®

Your en­joy­ment. Your pleas­ure.

Thanks to Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold, you will auto­mat­ic­ally earn state­ment cred­its when you make pur­chases at se­lec­ted shop­ping part­ners, dine at nu­mer­ous res­taur­ants or when or­der­ing from eli­gible food-​delivery ser­vices within Switzer­land.

Membership Rewards®

Mem­ber­ship Re­wards®

Every time you use*** your Gold Card, you earn points for the Mem­ber­ship Re­wards® bonus pro­gram. You can re­deem them for at­tract­ive re­wards or use them to pay for flights and ho­tels.

***Ex­clud­ing fees, in­terest, chargebacks, amounts out­stand­ing, cash with­draw­als, bal­ance trans­fers, as well as turnover from lot­tery, gambling, and casi­nos. Sub­ject to ad­di­tional re­stric­tions.

Travel Insured. Shop Relaxed

Travel In­sured. Shop Re­laxed

Count on the travel and shop­ping in­sur­ance**** world­wide. If you pay for a va­ca­tion get­away with your Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold Card, you are well pro­tec­ted by our trans­port ac­ci­dent in­sur­ance and travel in­con­veni­ence cov­er­age, for ex­ample. Should you get sick or have an ac­ci­dent, the in­ter­na­tional health in­sur­ance will cover the costs. Your pur­chases are also in­sured against non-​delivery, rob­bery, theft, or dam­age. You ad­di­tion­ally be­ne­fit from an ex­ten­ded war­ranty on devices that have been paid for using your Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold.

**** You can find the exact con­di­tions (in­clud­ing the sums in­sured and the ex­clu­sions of li­ab­il­ity) in the Gen­eral Terms and Con­di­tions of In­sur­ance (in­clud­ing the in­form­a­tion for per­sons in­sured under the group in­sur­ance plan), which can be viewed at swis­s­­di­tions or re­ques­ted from Swis­s­card AECS GmbH.

Your Freedom. Maximum Flexibility

Your Free­dom. Max­imum Flex­ib­il­ity

The Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold Card in­stall­ment fa­cil­ity***** gives you fin­an­cial flex­ib­il­ity. If you should lose your card, you'll usu­ally re­ceive a re­place­ment within 48 hours in an emer­gency.

***** Credit ap­proval is pro­hib­ited if it leads to over­indebted­ness.

Swisscard App

Swis­s­card App

Get a real-​time over­view of your credit card in­form­a­tion and trans­ac­tions any­where and at any time, or dis­play your PIN code or block your credit card in the event of loss or theft dir­ectly in the app. Thanks to the in­teg­rated 3-D Se­cure func­tion, you can pay se­curely on­line.

Download iOS App Download Android App
Credit Card with Contactless Function

Credit Card with Con­tact­less Func­tion

Pay con­tact­lessly with your Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold Card – it's easy, fast and se­cure. For small amounts up to CHF 80, you can pay without sig­na­ture or PIN entry. Just hold your credit card to the area marked on the card reader to con­veni­ently pay in busi­nesses.

Pay on the go. Quickly and se­curely

Use your smart­phone or smart­watch to pay wherever the con­tact­less func­tion is avail­able.

Choose More Be­ne­fits

The Amer­ican Ex­press® Plat­inum Card caters spe­cific­ally to the needs of busi­ness people and fre­quent fly­ers and provides at­tract­ive value added ser­vices for de­mand­ing cli­ents. Com­pare them for your­self.

Amer­ican Ex­press® Gold

  • Avail­able in CHF
  • Pri­or­ity Pass
  • Dis­counts on Rent­
  • Cred­its at Shop­ping and Din­ing
  • Travel and shop­ping in­sur­ance

Amer­ican Ex­press® Plat­inum

  • Avail­able in CHF/EUR/USD
  • Mem­ber­ship Re­wards®
  • Plat­inum Travel & Life­style Ser­vice 
  • Plat­inum Travel and Shop­ping In­sur­ance
  • Plat­inum Events
  • Nu­mer­ous be­ne­fit pro­grams
  • Pri­or­ity Pass
  • 5 ad­di­tional cards in­cluded